Foto di copertina di Recarlo


Vendita al dettaglio di beni di lusso e gioielli

Valenza, AL 4.781 follower

Recarlo is one of the most renowned Italian Maisons in fine top class jewellery and goldsmith arts.

Chi siamo

Recarlo is one of the most renowned Italian Maisons in fine top class jewellery and goldsmith arts. Founded in 1967 in the Valenza Region, Recarlo’s craftsmanship comes from the wise hands of the most experienced masters in line with the highest standards of the Made in Italy artisan tradition. Precious metals and perfect diamonds are harmoniously brought together to give birth to exclusive creations. Equally as pure in its ethics, Recarlo adheres to the international self-regulatory Kimberley Process, ensuring that profits from diamond sales are not used to fund civil wars.

Vendita al dettaglio di beni di lusso e gioielli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Valenza, AL
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Gioielli, Lusso e Diamanti


Dipendenti presso Recarlo


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