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ReeR Safety

ReeR Safety

Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione

ReeR, Your future's safe!

Chi siamo

More than 60 years of quality and innovation Founded in Turin (Italy) in 1959, ReeR distinguished itself for its strong commitment to innovation and technology. A steady growth throughout the years allowed ReeR to become a point of reference in the safety automation industry at a worldwide level. The Safety Division is in fact today a world leader in the development and manufacturing of safety optoelectronic sensors and controllers. ReeR is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified.

Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Barriere di sicurezza, Safety light curtains, Controllori di sicurezza, Safety Controller, Barriere di misura e automazione, Measurement and Automation light curtains, Fotocellule di sicurezza, Safety photocell, Sensori di Sicurezza e Safety Sensors


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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

    33.152 follower

    🤷♂️ 📣Le tue macchine sono pronte per le nuove normative? Scoprilo nei Workshop ReeR Academy! 🤖 Impara tutte le novità più recenti sulle normative di Sicurezza e Robotica Industriale EN ISO e Regolamento Macchine UE. 🎓Confrontati con i nostri esperti e scopri la soluzione più adatta alle tue esigenze attraverso casi applicativi reali. Una giornata interamente dedicata all'aggiornamento e al supporto operativo in cui il protagonista sei tu. Ti aspettiamo nelle prime due tappe con i Workshop di ReeR Academy: 👉 25 Marzo - Bedizzole (Brescia) 👉 17 Aprile - Pralormo (Torino) Iscrizione gratuita fino ad esaurimento posti: #RegolamentoMacchine #workshop #reeracademy #reer #yourfuturesafe

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    🚀 Revive la emoción de la última edición de Advanced Factories con ReeR! 🎥✨ Nuestra "máquina fantástica" en acción dejó a todos impresionados… y este año volvemos con más innovación y seguridad industrial que nunca. 🔥 🔍 Descubre en este vídeo cómo nuestras soluciones garantizan la máxima protección y eficiencia en la automatización industrial. 📍 Te esperamos en Advanced Factories 2025 – Stand 4F609 para presentarte todas las novedades. ¡No te lo pierdas! 🎟️ Solicita tu pase 🫵 Stand 4F609 📍 Recinto Feria Gran Via, Barcelona 📅 8 - 10 de abril 🎟️ ¡Consigue tu pase! #AdvancedFactories #AF2025 #Industria40 #Automatización #SeguridadIndustrial

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

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    ¡Nos vemos en Advanced Factories 2025! 🚀 Del 8 al 10 de abril, el equipo de ReeR Iberica te espera en Barcelona para mostrarte nuestras soluciones en seguridad industrial y automatización avanzada. 📍 Stand 4F609 – Pabellón 4 🎟️ Solicita tu pase aquí: Ven a conocer de cerca nuestras innovaciones y a conversar con nuestros expertos sobre cómo optimizar la seguridad en tus procesos industriales. 🔹 ¡Te esperamos para descubrir juntos el futuro de la Industria 4.0! 🔹 #AdvancedFactories #AF2025 #Automatización #Industria40 #reeriberica #yourfuturesafe #reer #reersafety

    • Te esperamos en Advanced Factories Barcelona 2025 ReeR Iberica
  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

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    🚀 ReeR North America is making its debut at SPS Atlanta 2025! 🚀 From September 16 to 18, we’ll be attending SPS Atlanta at the Georgia World Congress Center for the first time! A great opportunity to meet our team and explore ReeR’s cutting-edge safety solutions for industrial automation. Thank you SPS Atlanta for the amazing spotlight! 📍 Stay tuned for more updates! #SPSAtlanta #reer #reersafety #yourfuturesafe #reernorthamerica #IndustrialAutomation #MachineSafety #Automation

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

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    Read the full article:

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione  INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MAGAZINE

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    📌 Check the pinned comment for the full article link! 🚀 Elevating Safety & Precision in Automated Warehouses with ReeR Safety! 🏗️🔍 As warehouses embrace automation, Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs) are revolutionizing inventory management—optimizing space, reducing picking errors, and boosting efficiency. But ensuring operator safety and material precision remains paramount. Enter ReeR Safety with its EOS2 safety light curtains and MICRON measurement light curtains—a game-changer for next-generation drawer vertical warehouses! 🔹 Safety First: The EOS2 safety light curtain offers a compact, embeddable design, stopping the entire storage system when an external object is detected. The Master and Slave logic prevents ray intersection, ensuring unmatched protection for both operators and goods. 🔹 Precision Measurement: The MICRON measurement light curtain ensures accurate height detection across the entire tray surface, even for objects smaller than 4 mm, at speeds of up to 575 mm/sec. With optical reflection immunity, it eliminates reading errors for reliable warehouse automation. By integrating machine safety and precise measurement, ReeR Safety is setting new benchmarks in logistics efficiency. 💡 📢 Want to future-proof your automated warehouse? Discover how ReeR Safety can enhance safety and precision in your operations! #WarehouseAutomation #SafetyFirst #LogisticsInnovation #MachineSafety #IndustrialAutomation #SmartWarehousing #ReeRSafety #SupplyChainTech #ManufacturingExcellence #Industry40

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Mecademic

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    👷♀️ Addressing Operator Safety Concerns With ReeR Solutions 🤖 When working with industrial robots, safety must be front and center. If you’re operating our MCS500 SCARA robot, here’s how integrating it with ReeR Safety solutions addresses some key safety concerns: ⚠️ 1. Which safeguards prevent operators from being at risk? ✅ With the ReeR system on Auto Mode, opening a door will activate a safety stop. Also, the light curtain will pause the robot and allow it to restart automatically after clearance. ⚠️ 2. Can I safely open the doors and interact with the moving robot? ✅ In Manual Mode, release or press hard on the dead man switch to stop the robot. This mode reduces speed, allowing operators to make adjustments safely during movement. ⚠️ 3. What if I need to stop the robot in an emergency? ✅ At any time, press the Emergency Stop placed by the base of the cage and in the controller to halt robot motion immediately. A reset is required to restart the movement. Want to see those safety measures in action? Watch the video below 👇 Contact us to learn more about Mecademic’s robots: #Microautomation #SafetyFirst #SCARARobot #MachineSafety #ReeR #Mecademic

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

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    🔧 Global Industrie 2025 : La sécurité au cœur de l’industrie du futur L’industrie évolue rapidement, portée par l’innovation et l’automatisation, mais sans sécurité, il n’y a pas de progrès. Comment garantir des machines sûres, conformes et performantes ? Chez ReeR Safety, la sécurité est une priorité : ce n’est pas une contrainte, mais un levier essentiel pour la productivité et l’efficacité. 📌 Notre vision sur les thèmes clés de Global Industrie : ✔️ Automatisation et sécurité : Nos barrières immatérielles et capteurs RFID assurent la protection des opérateurs sans compromettre la productivité. ✔️ Contrôle avancé de la sécurité : Notre contrôleur de sécurité modulaire Mosaic permet une gestion centralisée et évolutive de la sécurité des machines, réduisant le câblage et la complexité. ✔️ Facteur humain et ergonomie : Des solutions pensées pour une intégration simple et une maintenance optimisée, réduisant les temps d’arrêt et améliorant la sécurité opérationnelle. 🚀 Venez en discuter avec nous ! 👨💼 Mathieu Cruel, Responsable Commercial France 👨💼 Mauro Ferrero, Sales Director 📍 Stand 4R219 📅 11-14 mars 2025 🏢 Eurexpo Lyon, France 💬 Écrivez-nous en privé ou commentez #YourFutureSafe pour organiser une rencontre et échanger sur la sécurité de vos installations. #GlobalIndustrie #SécuritéIndustrielle #Automatisation #IndustrieDuFutur #SécuritéMachines #Innovation #YourFutureSafe

    • Global Industrie 2025 : La sécurité au cœur de l’industrie du futur avec ReeR Safety
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    Negli ultimi anni il settore della sicurezza ha fatto passi da gigante.  Tecnologie più avanzate, normative sempre più stringenti e una crescente attenzione alla digitalizzazione stanno cambiando il modo in cui le aziende affrontano la protezione degli operatori e l’ottimizzazione dei processi. 💡Quali sono i trend che stanno guidando il cambiamento? Esprimi la tua opinione in questo sondaggio!

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione ReeR Safety

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    Un début enthousiasmant pour ce salon, rendez-vous demain sur le stand ReeR 4R219 ! #GI25 #reersafety #yourfuturesafe #reer

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione GLOBAL INDUSTRIE

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    🚀 Résumé de la première journée à Global Industrie – 11 mars 2025 • Démarrage en force pour l’édition #2025 de Global Industrie ! • Sur la Grande Scène, un mot d’ordre : on ne lâche rien ! L’industrie française a affiché sa détermination face aux défis à venir. • L'excellence industrielle a été mise à l’honneur avec la remise des GI Awards, qui priment les innovations qui façonnent le futur du secteur. • Le CIM (Congrès International de la Métrologie) a rassemblé les experts du secteur pour échanger sur les solutions et innovations au service d’une industrie plus résiliente. • Clôture de la journée avec la soirée AURA, un moment privilégié en présence des acteurs majeurs de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, véritable moteur industriel de la France. 📅 Et ce n’est que le début ! Rendez-vous demain pour une nouvelle journée riche en échanges et en opportunités.

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