Foto di copertina di ReLOG3P


Trasporti, logistica, supply chain e stoccaggio

Reshaping LOGistics aiming for 3P: People, Planet, Prosperity

Chi siamo

ReLOG3P is an Innovative Startup and Benefit Corporation based in Italy offering highly innovative, new-to-market products and services that provide support for the Global Trade (freight Logistics, Supply Chains, Mobility and Transport industries, end-to-end, including last/first mile, Smart Cities and reverse Logistics) to contribute, among others, achieving the UN Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals as well as the EU objectives set by the Green Deal, Fit for 55% Package, Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, Digital Strategy. Our vision is that Sustainability is not exclusive to "CO2, Carbon Footprint" or a cost center that clashes with the profitability of companies. Rather, Sustainability must be approached holistically as a concrete rebalancing between social, environmental and economic interests (our 3P: People, Planet, Prosperity). We built ReACT - ReAccompanying Chain Transformation - which is presently the first and only SLaaS – Sustainable Logistics as a Service - a complete Virtual Control Tower for Global Trade allowing to measure, monitor, visualize, report and improve, in continuous, real time & predictive manner, progress towards social, environmental and economic Sustainability by means of our trademarked tool SRL® – SDG Readiness Level. SRL® consider Scope 1-2-3 environmental, social & economic Sustainability, transparency, track & trace along the entire chain and encompasses and aggregates over 100 different Sustainability measuring, monitoring and reporting standards, frameworks and tools available internationally into a unique, simple to use, easy to read tool, via its data science-based tools (not limited to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), used in an Agnostic, Responsible and Ethic, Transparent, Trustworthy manner, and helps to increase Compliance, Reputation, Awareness, Transparency and Engagement, while avoiding greenwashing, frauds & counterfeiting claims on Sustainability.

Trasporti, logistica, supply chain e stoccaggio
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Logistic, Maritime, Ports, Transport, AI, Sustainability, Data Science, Business Process Mapping, Responsible Research and Innovation, Digitization, EU, Smart Mobility, Smart Cities, Supply Chain, Industry 4.0, EthicAI, Machine Learning e Circular Economy


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