Foto di copertina di Sambonet – Arcturus Group
Sambonet – Arcturus Group

Sambonet – Arcturus Group

Settore alberghiero

Orfengo, Novara 1.769 follower

Flatware and collections for table, kitchen and living. Italian design and quality identify Sambonet timeless style.

Chi siamo

Flatware and collections for the table, the kitchen and the living. Italian design and quality identify Sambonet's timeless style. Sambonet is an international leader in the production of stainless steel, silver-plated stainless steel and electroplated nickel silver flatware and holloware, both classic and with a modern design take. It has always done everything needed to keep high the quality of its products, paying great attention to details and keeping a constant balance between tradition and innovation.

Sito Web
Settore alberghiero
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Orfengo, Novara
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
tabletop, flatware, design, forniture, production, cutlery, e holloware


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