Produzione di mangimi per animali

Treviglio, Lombardy 432 follower

We do good for the planet, and we know how to do it well

Chi siamo

SARIA Italy, is part of SARIA Group ( and is present in Italy with 90 employees, spread over 2 industrial sites, in Treviglio (BG) and Sorgà (VR). We collect, process and valorise materials of animal or food origin to give them a new life in different forms. The Company objective is to contribute to a much more sustainable economy through the use and value-adding of by-products of the food supply chain that are not normally used for human consumption due to habit or culture: they are therefore transformed by applying the highest possible food and hygiene standards and become the main raw material for petfood and feed for aquaculture. We deals with the production of semifinished products deriving from by-products of poultry slaughter; specifically, it produces proteic meal and fat destined for animal feed, agriculture and the oleo-chemical industry.

Sito Web
Produzione di mangimi per animali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Treviglio, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso SARIA Italy


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    Gold medal! Here's a topical announcement. But we're not talking about sport, we're talking about the environment. Our Group has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal for the first time. 🎉 SARIA is now in the top 3% of companies worldwide! 🌍 The increase in this score over the last eight years and the move to gold this year reflect the ongoing development of sustainability management across our Group and is valuable recognition for our various business partners. Thank you to everyone who contributes to this result on a daily basis! ➡️ Find out more about SARIA's commitment to sustainable development:

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    📣 Last week it was time for the annual Sinova Leadership Meeting. About 100 colleagues met in Italy in the beautiful region of Varese near Milan for 2 effective working days. During these days we shared many exciting projects and developments together as a ONE team. We had in-depth discussions and exciting insights from different areas of Sinova🌍. It was especially nice to see how much our colleagues have grown together over the last three years and that the atmosphere among us was really inspiring. Especially in our leadership session, where everyone was able to recognise their individual potential, it became clear how important a team is - that you are more successful when you complement each other. 🤝🏻  All in all, this meeting confirmed our long-standing approach that only by working together, true to our purpose, can we successfully achieve our goal of making the most of the earth's limited resources 🌱.  Many thanks to the Sinova colleagues for an intensive, productive and motivating meeting - we are proud that you are part of our Sinova TEAM! 💙 👍 #Leadership #Motivation #WorkingTogether

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Sinova, immagine

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    🚨Safety first! To reinforce this commitment, Sinova has established Health & Safety Days.   👉 The objective of our Safety Days was to provide 250 employees with information and training on our new 10 Golden Rules over the course of 17 days in five regions. Additionally, the programme aimed to enhance the safety culture within our staff.   HS Days encompasses both theoretical and practical components, utilizing such as virtual reality goggles to simulate emergencies, safety detective games and accident/situation investigations.   🎯 This approach is part of a strong health and safety policy which has led us, among other things, to carry out 16 internal safety audits in all our countries in 2023 and to create Samy, our safety mascot!   As a result of these long-term actions, we can report: ✅ A 19% reduction in the lost-time accident frequency rate (LTIFR) between 2020 and 2023. ✅ A 47% reduction in the lost-time injury severity rate (LTISR) between 2020 and 2023.   Thank you to our teams for their daily vigilance! 👍   #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork #Safety #HealthatWork #training #leadingbyexample

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SARIA Germany, immagine

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    💬 Erstes Get-Together von internationalen HR Leads & Experts der SARIA Gruppe 🌍   Vom 5. bis zum 7. März 2024 fand in Berlin der #SARIA HR Summit statt: Zum ersten Mal in unserer Unternehmensgeschichte versammelten sich die internationalen HR Leads und Experts der SARIA Gruppe, um in einen intensiven Austausch zu gehen, voneinander zu lernen und als Team noch näher zusammenzurücken.   🚀 Claus Eckmann, Group Director HR, präsentierte mit der HR Road Map 2024 bis 2026 die internationale strategische Ausrichtung für den HR Bereich und bot zugleich wertvolle Perspektiven und Einsichten in die Gesamtorganisation von HR der SARIA Gruppe.   💡 Vier Workshops von Recruiting, Employer Branding, HR Business Analytics bis hin zu People Development trugen dazu bei, durch den Austausch von Erfahrungen, Wissen, Ideen und Best Practices unsere HR Gemeinschaft weltweit zu stärken und innovative Lösungen für die Herausforderungen von morgen zu entwickeln.   🤝 Vorstandsmitglied Tim Alexander Schwencke hielt einen inspirierenden und motivierenden Vortrag, der die Bedeutung von HR für die SARIA Gruppe betonte. Diese Anerkennung unterstrich die zentrale Rolle, die der Bereich Human Resources bei der Erreichung der Unternehmensziele spielt.   Wir danken allen beteiligten Kolleginnen und Kollegen für das wertvolle und inspirierende Get-Together und freuen uns darauf, die internationale HR Power der SARIA Gruppe in der zukünftigen Zusammenarbeit noch weiter zu bündeln!   ❤️SARIA France x SARIA Es x SARIA Polska x SARIA UK x SARIA Italy x Sinova x (...) #saria #hr #hrsummit 

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    2023 has been an exciting and challenging year for Sinova. A new year of development, partnership, projects, questioning, performance and improvement – based on commitment, trust, teamwork and fun working together. We would like to thank our dedicated teams for their tireless efforts, our suppliers for always standing by our side, and our customers and partners for collectively making the most of the earth's limited resources in 2023. After a short break, we will be ready and energised for a great 2024! But until then, thank you again and enjoy these sweet moments with your loved ones. #TeamSpirit #ThankYou #balance2023

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SARIA Germany, immagine

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    Internationaler IT Summit, 📍HQ in Selm Der SARIA IT Summit ist mehr als nur eine Zusammenkunft von IT Kolleginnen  und Kollegen aus Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland und Polen. Es ist ein Zusammentreffen von ambitionierten Menschen mit Visionen und großartigen Ideen, um die digitale Zukunft von SARIA maßgeblich zu gestalten. Die Agenda ist vielfältig, der Fokus klar: Man möchte auf fachlicher und kollegialer Ebene international näher zusammenrücken. Bei der zweitägigen Veranstaltung stehen der Austausch über bestehende und neue Technologien und das Teilen von Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungswerten im Vordergrund. Auf einer gemeinsamen Basis sollen grundlegende Meilensteine für die Zukunft definiert werden, auf die gemeinsam hingearbeitet werden kann. #GemeinsamAnsZiel Der SARIA IT Summit ist letztlich nicht nur ein Ort des Lernens , sondern auch ein Netzwerk-Hub für diejenigen, die die digitale Transformation des Unternehmens vorantreiben. Fun Fact: Wir sehen unsere deutschen IT-Kolleginnen und Kollegen tendenziell selten in schnieken Lederschuhen – das vermag Großes heißen. 😉 #saria #itsummit #itbranche SARIA Es SARIA France SARIA Italy SARIA Polska

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