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SCL Ingegneria Strutturale

SCL Ingegneria Strutturale

Ingegneria civile

Milano, Lombardia 916 follower

Sviluppiamo progetti, elaboriamo soluzioni

Chi siamo

Studio Associato SCL Ingegneria Strutturale was founded in 1992 and operates mainly in civil, structural and industrial engineering. The firm, based in Milan, has currently two associates, Ing. Stefano Calzolari and Ing. Stefano Sesana, and a number of senior partners. In 2002 SCL Servizi s.a.s. was created, which mainly performs operational coordination and development functions in the field of engineering. Using the most advanced tools and consolidated design methodologies, SCL Ingegneria Strutturale provides services of: - Design of structures, - Ordinary and special stress analysis, - Technical and legal expertise, - Research and product development.

Sito Web
Ingegneria civile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Ingegneria strutturale, Stress analysis, Lavori pubblici, Ingegneria sismica e Logistica


Dipendenti presso SCL Ingegneria Strutturale


  • 🔧 Numerical Analysis of Complex Steel Joints In the field of #numericalanalysis of articulated #steeljoints, SCL Ingegneria Strutturale has conducted various stress analyses of beam to upright connections typical of industrial racking systems, subjected to axial tension and bending forces on the beam. 💻 The use of IDEA StatiCa Connection for numerical analysis allowed for an in-depth assessment of the joint’s behaviour, focusing on: - 📊 Distribution of #VonMises stresses - ⚙️ Plasticization process within the joint - 🔩 Evaluation of stress conditions on bolts and welds Moreover, if #experimentalresults on the joint’s stiffness and strength properties are available, a comparison between the numerical analysis outcomes and the actual joint behaviour could be critically carried out. As a matter of example, the images below show the idealization of a beam to upright joint and its structural assessment under design loads.

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  • 🔍 Advanced FE Analysis of Existing Bridges with Midas Civil for Exceptional Load Transit 🔍 Over the past year, SCL Ingegneria Strutturale has been collaborating with ECSD Srl Mola to model and analyze existing bridges, assessing their load-bearing capacity to withstand exceptional load transit. The main structural typologies examined include: ✅ Steel-concrete composite bridges: multi-span viaducts with steel beams and composite concrete decks ✅ Prestressed concrete bridges (PSC): structures with prestressed girders and elastomeric bearings To ensure accuracy and reliability, Midas Civil, a powerful FE analysis software, was employed to implement: 📌 BEAM elements for girders and bracing systems 📌 PLATE elements for concrete decks, considering thickness variations 📌 Realistic boundary conditions to simulate actual support constraints 📌 Construction stage analysis to evaluate rheological effects and concrete maturation This numerical approach allowed to evaluate structural behavior, verifying: 🔹 Maximum stresses on girders and diaphragms due to permanent loads 🔹 Effects of shrinkage and creep over time 🔹 Identification of critical load paths and highly stressed elements Thanks to the numerical simulations, the structural capacity of the examined bridges was accurately determined, ensuring safe transit for exceptional load vehicles. #CivilEngineering #Infrastructure #BridgeAssessment #ExceptionalLoads #MidasCivil #FEM #FiniteElementAnalysis #SteelBridges #PrestressedConcrete #ElastomericBearing #StructuralHealthMonitoring #InfrastructureSafety #ConstructionStageAnalysis 

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  • 📌 Advanced Constitutive Modelling of Steel Structural Joints In the field of #SteelJoint analysis, numerical modelling of the constitutive behaviour plays a crucial role, especially for semi-rigid connections. For an accurate representation of the structural response, it is essential to implement #ConstitutiveLaws in the numerical calculation models that can realistically reproduce #ExperimentalResults. In this context, we present an advanced approach for modelling the rotational behaviour of #BeamToColumnJoints in industrial racking systems, based on the #Pinching4 constitutive law. This #NonlinearHysteretic model allows the simulation of the progressive #Damage in the nodal region and the energy dissipation under cyclic loading, such as those induced by seismic events. The formulation is based on a piecewise constant stiffness representation, including the softening branch, of the moment-rotation diagram of the joint during the loading-unloading cycle. The model allows: ✅ Defining differentiated stiffness values for the loading and unloading branches ✅ Introducing asymmetric behaviour depending on the load direction ✅ Precisely calibrating the response through 22 parameters that accurately describe the evolution of damage and #EnergyDissipation in the joint. A careful calibration of these parameters enables a faithful reproduction of the actual joint response, improving the accuracy of complex dynamic analyses (#TimeHistoryAnalysis). To illustrate this, we present an example of the Pinching4 model calibration, which demonstrates an excellent correlation between numerical model experimental results.

  • SCL Ingegneria Strutturale conducted the advanced structural modeling of a steel structure using #Straus7. The structure consists of two main areas: ✅ Self-Supporting Storage Area – Designed to accommodate a steel racking system made of thin-walled profiles, this section is engineered to withstand the load of stored goods as well as external forces such as snow and wind. On one side of this area, a steel carpentry framework has been installed to cover an independent secondary storage section. ✅ Secondary Storage Area – Designed for the installation of an independent indoor rack shelving system structurally separated from the main structure. The entire complex has also been designed to withstand seismic forces and consists of more than 50,000 beam elements. Given the project high computational demands, a custom Python script was implemented to optimize the verification of elements and connections, significantly reducing both design time and costs. In the attached video, it is possible to observe the results of the modal analysis and the model implementation. #Engineering #StructuralAnalysis #SeismicDesign #Straus7 #Python #Automation #SteelConnections #SteelElements #SteelCarpentryFramework #RackShelvingSystem

  • SCL Ingegneria Strutturale ha diffuso questo post

    SCL Ingegneria Strutturale carried out the structural analysis of an industrial building equipped with overhead cranes. The building consists of two adjacent spans, geometrically connected in the longitudinal direction, with one span longer than the other. The columns along the central alignment are interconnected, making the structures statically and dynamically interdependent. The analysis focused on: ✅ Verifying the feasibility of raising the crane runways and the roof of one of the buildings to handle larger objects without modifying the existing foundations. ✅ Assessing the possibility of increasing the load-bearing capacity of one of the overhead cranes in its elevated configuration, ensuring compatibility with the existing foundations. To accurately evaluate the internal forces transmitted by the crane, an advanced modeling approach was implemented using the MIDAS Gen moving load analysis tool, simulating the cranes movement along the runways. This allowed to identify the most affected foundations, to verify whether the existing foundations were adequate for the new operational conditions. 📷 The attached images show a view of the building and the corresponding FEM numerical model. #StructuralEngineering #IndustrialBuilding #MidasGEN #FEMAnalysis #LoadBearingCapacity #AdvancedModeling #FoundationAssessment #EngineeringSolutions #CraneLoadAnalysis 

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  • SCL Ingegneria Strutturale carried out the structural analysis of an industrial building equipped with overhead cranes. The building consists of two adjacent spans, geometrically connected in the longitudinal direction, with one span longer than the other. The columns along the central alignment are interconnected, making the structures statically and dynamically interdependent. The analysis focused on: ✅ Verifying the feasibility of raising the crane runways and the roof of one of the buildings to handle larger objects without modifying the existing foundations. ✅ Assessing the possibility of increasing the load-bearing capacity of one of the overhead cranes in its elevated configuration, ensuring compatibility with the existing foundations. To accurately evaluate the internal forces transmitted by the crane, an advanced modeling approach was implemented using the MIDAS Gen moving load analysis tool, simulating the cranes movement along the runways. This allowed to identify the most affected foundations, to verify whether the existing foundations were adequate for the new operational conditions. 📷 The attached images show a view of the building and the corresponding FEM numerical model. #StructuralEngineering #IndustrialBuilding #MidasGEN #FEMAnalysis #LoadBearingCapacity #AdvancedModeling #FoundationAssessment #EngineeringSolutions #CraneLoadAnalysis 

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  • In 2017, SCL Ingegneria Strutturale introduced MIDAS Gen as a reference software for structural analysis in civil and specialized applications. We chose it not only for its stability and robustness but also for its versatility, which stands out for: ✅ Flexible operation: full data management through tables, easily editable in Excel. ✅ Smart automation: with MGT Command Shell, you can enter commands to efficiently create or modify parts of the calculation model. We are looking forward to the API integration, currently available for MIDAS Civil NX, which will enhance a parametric modeling approach. In the meantime, we would like to share a VBA macro for Excel that helps color floor loads, improving graphical visualization and making it easier to distinguish different load areas in calculation reports! 📌 For those interested, here is the link to the Excel file where you can use the command described for the color change:

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  • SCL Ingegneria Strutturale ha diffuso questo post

    🔎Advanced Analysis of Steel Structural Joints with IDEA StatiCa Connection At SCL Ingegneria Strutturale, we adopt cutting-edge tools for the analysis and design of complex structural connections. Thanks to IDEA StatiCa Connection, we can perform detailed stress-strain elasto-plastic analyses of complex nodal regions using the CBFEM (Component-Based Finite Element Method) approach. This method serves as an alternative to the traditional component method proposed by the Eurocode, enabling a more accurate assessment of the structural behaviour of connections, especially in presence of complex joint geometries. 📌 Case Study: Base Joint Analysis of an Industrial Racking System We analysed the behaviour of a base joint in an industrial racking system, where the upright is connected to the supporting beam of an underlying portal frame. The analysis considered the effects of external loads, including: - Shear-tension in the upright - Axial tension in the diagonal The images below illustrate the modeled geometry and the stress-strain distribution in the joint obtained from the analysis. These results allow for a more informed and optimized connection design. #StructuralEngineering #IdeaStatica #StructuralAnalysis #CBFEM #SCLIngegneria #StructuralConnections

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  • SCL Ingegneria Strutturale ha diffuso questo post

    🔎Advanced Analysis of Steel Structural Joints with IDEA StatiCa Connection At SCL Ingegneria Strutturale, we adopt cutting-edge tools for the analysis and design of complex structural connections. Thanks to IDEA StatiCa Connection, we can perform detailed stress-strain elasto-plastic analyses of complex nodal regions using the CBFEM (Component-Based Finite Element Method) approach. This method serves as an alternative to the traditional component method proposed by the Eurocode, enabling a more accurate assessment of the structural behaviour of connections, especially in presence of complex joint geometries. 📌 Case Study: Base Joint Analysis of an Industrial Racking System We analysed the behaviour of a base joint in an industrial racking system, where the upright is connected to the supporting beam of an underlying portal frame. The analysis considered the effects of external loads, including: - Shear-tension in the upright - Axial tension in the diagonal The images below illustrate the modeled geometry and the stress-strain distribution in the joint obtained from the analysis. These results allow for a more informed and optimized connection design. #StructuralEngineering #IdeaStatica #StructuralAnalysis #CBFEM #SCLIngegneria #StructuralConnections

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  • 🔎Advanced Analysis of Steel Structural Joints with IDEA StatiCa Connection At SCL Ingegneria Strutturale, we adopt cutting-edge tools for the analysis and design of complex structural connections. Thanks to IDEA StatiCa Connection, we can perform detailed stress-strain elasto-plastic analyses of complex nodal regions using the CBFEM (Component-Based Finite Element Method) approach. This method serves as an alternative to the traditional component method proposed by the Eurocode, enabling a more accurate assessment of the structural behaviour of connections, especially in presence of complex joint geometries. 📌 Case Study: Base Joint Analysis of an Industrial Racking System We analysed the behaviour of a base joint in an industrial racking system, where the upright is connected to the supporting beam of an underlying portal frame. The analysis considered the effects of external loads, including: - Shear-tension in the upright - Axial tension in the diagonal The images below illustrate the modeled geometry and the stress-strain distribution in the joint obtained from the analysis. These results allow for a more informed and optimized connection design. #StructuralEngineering #IdeaStatica #StructuralAnalysis #CBFEM #SCLIngegneria #StructuralConnections

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