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Simonelli Group S.p.A.

Simonelli Group S.p.A.

Produzione di macchinari

Belforte del Chienti, Macerata 17.429 follower

Chi siamo

Simonelli Group is an Italian company that produces coffee machines since 1936. The vast experience, the innovative approach, the incredible creativity, the unique design, and the high performant products, led to the international success of the company, bringing the business in 121 countries worldwide. Simonelli Group, known as the cultural core of excellent espresso coffee, has established on the market two prestigious brands, Nuova Simonelli and Victoria Arduino. Together they express the genetic heritage of the company. The brand Nuova Simonelli represents functionality combined with design, efficiency in terms of performance and energy, and allows everyone to make a good cup of coffee. It empowers the user to flaunt their skills. The brand Victoria Arduino, sponsor of the World Barista Championship, represents sophistication, embodied in machines with great history and classy design. The advanced technology used makes it more accessible for any barista to make an excellent cup of coffee and express their personality. To spread the coffee culture, Simonelli Group launched Coffee Knowledge Hub: a global platform for professional coffee education, certification and career development. The platform is opened to anyone with a passion for coffee, seeking to improve their knowledge and skills. Education unites us. It allows us to talk the same language, improve our livelihoods, enrich our communities, and develop ourselves professionally and personally. Over the last 20 years we have seen that people working in the coffee industry have a thirst for knowledge and continuous improvement. The Coffee Knowledge Hub is a platform to support coffee education in this evolution.

Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Belforte del Chienti, Macerata
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso Simonelli Group S.p.A.


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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Victoria Arduino

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    Celebrating an important milestone of 2024: Silver Award at NC Digital Awards! 🏆 The PureBrew+ landing page, created in collaboration with OutNow, has won Silver at the NC Digital Awards 2024! More than just a webpage, this landing page was designed to be an immersive experience, bringing to life the innovation and passion behind Pure Brew+. Through elegant design, seamless interactions, and engaging storytelling, we wanted to go beyond simply presenting technology—to inspire baristas, roasters, and coffee lovers to experience coffee in a new way. This award reaffirms our vision: design is not just about aesthetics, but about creating emotions, connections, and meaningful experiences.   A huge thank you to OutNow Agency | THIS IS IDEAL for their valuable collaboration and dedication in bringing this project to life! #VictoriaArduino #NCDigitalAwards #WebDesign #Innovation

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  • Simonelli Group S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Victoria Arduino

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    ☕✨ When two coffee legends meet in London: a fusion of mastery and taste. This city has always been a global hub for coffee culture, but recently, something truly special happened. Two of the most influential figures in the world of specialty coffee came together, creating a moment where expertise met innovation. Our Global Ambassador and 2024 World Barista Champion Mikael Jasin stepped into the heart of Square Mile Coffee Roasters to meet none other than James Hoffmann, a true icon in the coffee industry. Take a look at the video highlights. 🚀 And now, stay tuned: there’s more to come from Victoria Arduino! #victoriaarduino #E1PrimaPRO

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Simonelli Group S.p.A.

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    Extract your Potential / Our Path to Success and Growth To grow as an international company, as a leader in the industry, and as a multicultural community of human beings, we must improve and strengthen our organizational model for greater agility, equity, and efficiency. We aim to build an organization increasingly focused on transparent communication, empowerment, and the consistent development of talents and skills at all levels of our Group. For this reason, we’ve been working hard on defining and launching our Leadership Model: a system of competencies and behaviors that will guide our daily actions, promoting open communication, feedback exchange, and performance improvement. We are dedicating all our energy to a common goal: to build an efficient, dynamic organization where every individual can contribute their unique and invaluable talents. Discover our Leadership Model: Extract Your Potential / Il nostro Cammino verso il Successo e la Crescita Per crescere come azienda internazionale, come leader del settore, come comunità multiculturale di esseri umani, è fondamentale migliorare il nostro modello organizzativo e potenziarlo per una maggiore snellezza, equità ed efficienza. Vogliamo strutturare un'organizzazione sempre più incentrata sulla comunicazione trasparente, sull’empowerment e sullo sviluppo costante dei talenti e delle competenze a tutti i livelli del nostro Gruppo. Per questo motivo, nel corso degli ultimi mesi abbiamo lavorato duramente per definire e lanciare il nostro Modello di Leadership: un sistema di competenze e comportamenti che guiderà le nostre azioni quotidiane, promuovendo la condivisione, il feedback ed il miglioramento delle performance. Stiamo dedicando tutta la nostra energia per un obiettivo comune: costruire un’organizzazione efficiente, dinamica, dove ogni individuo possa portare il contributo prezioso ed unico dei propri talenti. Scopri di più sul nostro Modello di Leadership: #SimonelliGroup #extractyourpotential

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Simonelli Group S.p.A.

    17.429 follower

    Amazing time at World of Coffee Dubai with Victoria Arduino and 3TEMP. A special thanks to all visitors who came to visit us, appreciating all our latest products and innovation displayed at our stand. Also, Victoria Arduino has been the sponsor of the Barista Competition with Eagle One and Mythos. Congratulations to the 2025 UAE National Barista Champion Aldy Nugraha. --- Momenti unici al World of Coffee Dubai con Victoria Arduino e 3TEMP. Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti i visitatori che sono venuti a trovarci, apprezzando i nostri ultimi lanci e le innovazioni esposte al nostro stand. Inoltre, Victoria Arduino è stata sponsor della Barista Competition con Eagle One e #Mythos. Congratulazioni al campione nazionale di baristi degli Emirati Arabi Uniti 2025 Aldy Nugraha. #SimonelliGroup #WOCDubai2025 #WOCDubai

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  • S4S Simonelli for Startup: Trasforma la tua idea in un business! Sei una startup innovativa e sostenibile o hai in mente di crearne una? Non perdere l'opportunità di partecipare al nostro bando! S4S è un’iniziativa promossa da Simonelli Group, in collaborazione con VISIONARPROGETTI, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Smau, Confindustria Macerata, Confindustria Marche, e Comune Di Belforte Del Chienti, pensata per dare vita ad un incubatore di startup con progetti innovativi e sostenibili. Vogliamo supportare la crescita imprenditoriale, sostenere le idee più brillanti e accelerare lo sviluppo di progetti con un alto potenziale. Iscriviti entro il 31 marzo e fai crescere la tua startup con noi! Scopri di più e candidati subito cliccando qui: Ti aspettiamo al Campus Simonelli Group! - S4S Simonelli for Startup: Turn Your Idea into a Business! Are you an innovative and sustainable startup, or do you have plans to create one? Don't miss the opportunity to apply for our program! S4S is an initiative promoted by Simonelli Group, in collaboration with VISIONARPROGETTI, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Smau, Confindustria Macerata, Confindustria Marche, e Comune Di Belforte Del Chienti, aimed at creating an incubator for startups with #innovative and #sustainable projects. We want to support entrepreneurial growth, foster the brightest ideas, and accelerate the development of high-potential projects. Apply by March 31st and grow your startup with us! Learn more and apply now by clicking here: We look forward to seeing you at the Simonelli Group Campus! #SimonelliGroup #SimonelliforStartup #Startup

  • Simonelli Group S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post

    📢 SAVE THE DATE! 📢 Marketing Associati presenta con grande entusiasmo il terzo appuntamento del 2025 da non perdere: THE DESIGN OF EXPERIENCES: CRAFTING VALUE, EMOTION AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Preparatevi per un pomeriggio di ispirazione e strategie concrete per trasformare le esperienze in un potente motore di valore e vantaggio competitivo. Ad accendere il dibattito nella prestigiosa location di Simonelli Group S.p.A., un panel di relatori d'eccezione: 🔹 Gabriele Micozzi - Presidente Marketing Associati | UNIVPM e LUISS Business School 🔹 Maurizio Giuli - CSO Simonelli Group | UNIVPM 🔹 Diego Mingarelli - Presidente Confindustria Ancona | CEO Diasen 🗓️ Giovedì 27 Febbraio 2025 🕓 Ore 16:00 📍 Simonelli Group | Via Emilio Betti 1, Belforte del Chienti (MC) Non perdere l'occasione di partecipare! Iscriviti subito per assicurarti il tuo posto: Seguici per scoprire le prossime novità sull'evento.

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  • Grazie all’impegno di Anffas Macerata apre la Caffetteria Tuttincluso: un simbolo di inclusione ed equità. Il 3 gennaio 2025, la Caffetteria Tuttincluso ha finalmente riaperto i battenti allo Stadio dei Pini di Macerata, restituendo alla città uno spazio simbolico che mancava da due anni. Un momento che segna non solo il ritorno di uno storico bar, ma anche una nuova possibilità per la comunità, grazie all’impresa sociale Tuttincluso che, all’interno di Anffas, si occupa di inserimento lavorativo di persone diversamente abili. Simonelli Group è orgogliosa di aver contribuito a questo progetto, portando il proprio know-how nel mondo del caffè. Abbiamo offerto una formazione pratica e di qualità ai ragazzi che lavoreranno nella caffetteria e abbiamo donato loro una macchina da caffè e un macinino professionale, strumenti fondamentali per svolgere al meglio il loro lavoro. Questa collaborazione ci riempie di soddisfazione e speranza per il futuro: crediamo fermamente che iniziative come la Caffetteria Tuttincluso possano diventare esempi di come la formazione, l'inclusione ed il lavoro possano camminare insieme per costruire una società più equa e accessibile a tutti. --- Tuttincluso Café opens thanks to Anffas Macerata’s commitment: a new symbol of inclusion and equity On January 3, 2025, Tuttincluso Café finally reopened at the Stadio dei Pini in Macerata, bringing back to the city a symbolic space that had been missing for two years. This moment marks not only the return of a historic café, but also a new opportunity for the community, thanks to the social enterprise Tuttincluso, which, within Anffas, focuses on the employment integration of people with disabilities. At Simonelli Group we’re proud to have contributed to this project, bringing our expertise in the world of coffee. We provided hands-on, high-quality training to the young people who will work at the café and donated a coffee machine and a professional grinder, essential tools to perform their work at it best. This collaboration fills us with satisfaction and hope for the future: we firmly believe that initiatives like Tuttincluso Café can become examples of how education, inclusion, and work can go hand in hand to build a more equitable and accessible society for all. #SimonelliGroup #Inclusione  

  • Simonelli Group will be at World of Coffee Dubai (Z6-G5) with Victoria Arduino, sponsor of the Barista Competition, and 3TEMP, the range of products dedicated to high-quality filter coffee and cold brew extraction. At stand Z6-G5, Victoria Arduino will offer a unique experience to all visitors, hosting several leading partners from the coffee world for a series of workshops, showcasing all our latest products. Stand Z6-G5 also features the solutions of 3TEMP, a Swedish brand specializing in the design and production of filter coffee machines.  3TEMP, in which Simonelli Group acquired a stake at the end of 2024, stands out as an example of technological and innovative excellence. With customizable recipes and precise temperature control for both hot and cold coffee, 3TEMP's advanced extraction technology is capable of meeting the needs of coffee shops, baristas, and chains around the world. Come to visit us! --- Simonelli Group al WOC DUBAI 2025 (Z6-G5) con Victoria Arduino, sponsor del Barista Competition, e 3TEMP, la gamma di prodotti dedicati all’estrazione di caffè filtro e cold brew di alta qualità. Allo stand Z6-G5, Victoria Arduino regalerà un’esperienza unica a tutti i visitatori, ospitando alcuni importanti partners del mondo del caffè per una serie di workshop, mostrando la sua gamma prodotti. Lo stand Z6-G5 si arricchisce anche delle soluzioni di 3TEMP, marchio svedese specializzato nella progettazione e produzione di macchine da caffè filtro. 3TEMP, di cui Simonelli Group ha acquisito una quota a fine 2024. Con ricette personalizzabili e un controllo preciso della temperatura, sia per il caffè caldo che freddo, l’avanzata tecnologia di estrazione 3TEMP è capace di soddisfare le esigenze di caffetterie, baristi e catene in tutto il mondo. Ti aspettiamo! #SimonelliGroup #WOCDubai2025 #WOCDubai

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  • Simonelli Group S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post

    Victoria Arduino has always been close to the world of champions and coffee competitions, embodying the passion and expertise that define the industry. SIGEP 2025 has just come to a close, offering another incredible opportunity to connect with professionals and celebrate innovation. Figures such as Daniele Ricci - Italian Barista Champion, Andrea Villa - Italian Coffee in Good Spirits Champion, Marco Feliziani - Simonelli Group CEO, and Costantino Mauriello - Country Manager Italy, gathered to share insights and envision the future of coffee. On this occasion, we showcased our latest innovations, including the Black Eagle Maverick, the Mythos grinder - and much more - reaffirming our commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology for coffee professionals. Together, we continue to shape the future of specialty coffee. See you soon at next event! #victoriaarduino #blackeaglemaverick #iamamythos  #EagleTempo #PoetryInMotion #PureBrewPlus 

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    We’re thrilled to announce our presence at Sirha Lyon, the global rendezvous for food service and hospitality innovation.  Find us at Hall 7 Stand 7C73 to discover our latest innovations that are redefining the coffee experience. From cutting-edge technology to sustainable solutions, we’re bringing our passion for coffee to the world’s stage. Whether you’re a coffee professional, a barista, or simply a coffee enthusiast, we can’t wait to share what’s brewing at #NuovaSimonelli! Come and visit us!

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