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TAC online

TAC online

Pubbliche Relazioni e servizi di comunicazione

Milano, Milano 268 follower

Bespoke Press Office & Digital Pr | Events | Culture Club | Design Goloso Tour |

Chi siamo

We are an agency offering Press Office and PR services specializing in the design, architecture, and havc+r sectors. Our portfolio is made up of international brands that we follow with dynamic dedication thanks to more than 20 years of experience in the communications field. We are client-focused and committed to brand growth and development: content, projects, and stories are expressed through every communication channel while staying up-to-date on their constant evolution. We offer qualified and tailor-made services that start with defining a strategy and carry forward into content creation, from writing press releases to planning dedicated events. Over the course of our many years in business, we’ve developed good contacts in Italy and abroad, accessing multiple types of media, blogger and a target group of professionals. This has enabled us to enhance brand awareness for our clients, supporting them in the fields of communications and networking. For us, journalists are not just names in a database, they are familiar faces and people with whom we have established enduring person relationships. Our headquarters are in Milan and Genoa. We also work with our partner in Spain, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Sito Web
Pubbliche Relazioni e servizi di comunicazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Milano
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Digital PR, Press Office, Public Relation, Social Media Specialist, Marketing, Advertising, Design, Bathroom, Water technology, Magazine, Furniture, Media relations, pressofficeonline e Architects


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