TRS SISTEMI is an independent, engineering and systems tech company providing research, innovation and products in the unmanned systems, meteo, railway and air navigation fields, for both civilian and defense applications.
TRS SISTEMI was born from the splitting of the company TRS SPA, historical and leading engineering company specialized in both civil and military fields.
Since 2017 TRS SISTEMI is an IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi Group’s company. TRS SISTEMI has specialized in providing consulting services for high-tech engineering solutions, and in developing integrated software and measurement systems.
TRS SISTEMI is a italian company with over 70 professional employees. Its headquarters are located in Rome and Naples, Italy.
Ingegneria meccanica o industriale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Roma, Roma
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Aerospace, Defense, Railway Tech, Air Navigation Technology, UAV, Engineering, unmanned systems, High Tech Engineering, Engineering Consulting, Spazio e Navigazione, Sistemi Civili, ingegneria per la Difesa e Air Traffic Management