The CHERISH Project aims to equip young people with essential skills in cultural heritage management, particularly in post-disaster scenarios. Focusing on conservation, disaster preparedness, and response, the project seeks to protect vulnerable heritage sites, strengthen community resilience, and promote quality education. Its objectives align with key priorities in safeguarding cultural heritage, building resilient communities, and fostering youth development. During the meeting, held on November 2nd–3rd, 2024, in Ankara, Turkey, the coordinating organization, PRO.EK.NGO, presented the project’s framework, activities, and the specific responsibilities assigned to each partner. Partners had the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss strategies, and establish a strong foundation for collaboration. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with everyone and embark on this exciting new journey together. Sumy State University Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi
Umbria Training Center
Coaching e formazione professionale
Scheggino, Perugia 229 follower
"Abili nel gestire il presente, immaginando il futuro"
Chi siamo
Umbria Training Center is a non -profit cultural training center which has developed projects through targeted services for companies, public bodies, schools and associations since 1994. It employs a team of experts and consultants as well as a network of national and international partners. UTC has a long experience in the field of Erasmus+ K1 and K2 projects, sending and hosting people frome the whole Europe thanks also to the great network UTC built up over the years. Umbria Training is specialized in offering internship experience for VET students and job shadowing for VET employees, school and adult education staff. UTC provides also consultancy services to public and private entities who want to develop community programmes centred around territorial governance innovation, sustainable rural development policies, issues of tourism, social integration and the creation of comfortable and accessible destinations. We are able to create, program and manage, together with our clients, the territorial development programmes and plans with the help of regional, national and European financial resources. “Let’s built Europe togheter!”
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Umbria Training Center
- Settore
- Coaching e formazione professionale
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 2-10 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Scheggino, Perugia
- Tipo
- Ditta individuale
- Data di fondazione
- 1994
Piazza XXIII Luglio 5
Scheggino, Perugia 06040, IT
Dipendenti presso Umbria Training Center
We are getting ready for the next TPM in Kracow that will take place on the next 23rd March. Last week, there was a meeting between Simone from UTC and two experts, the High-Technology Professor Mariagrazia Molteni and Mr. Francesco Di Giacomo, an expert in vocational training, education and career guidance, going through the validation of the Diagnostic Tool and the Readiness Map for the ROSE project.
From Germany to Spoleto: Eden's Creative Experience! Eden from Germany, with the Südwärts group from GrünBau gGmbH Dortmund, is at Publi 2M, getting hands-on with printing and graphic services. Thanks to the ALMA / JUVENTUS Programme, she’s learning new skills and diving into the creative world!
From Germany to Spoleto: Lea's Experience with kids Lea from Germany, with the Südwärts group from GrünBau gGmbH Dortmund, is working at Kindergarten Nido D’ape in Spoleto, helping with daily activities for pre-schoolers. A single mom in the ALMA / JUVENTUS Programme, she’s gaining experience while her 5-year-old enjoys the kindergarten too!
Umbria Hospitality Professionals in Valencia A group of 18 owners and employees from Umbrian hospitality businesses spent a week dedicated to training and team building in Valencia, Spain. Through Disruptive Thinking sessions, visits to hospitality establishments, and insights into the Spanish tourism sector, they returned home with fresh ideas, inspiration, and valuable new connections. Of course, they had a lot of fun and cultural activities as part of the Erasmus experience. UMBRIA TRAINING CENTER supported FEDERALBERGHI UMBRIA in organizing the STAFF MOBILITY program in Valencia, Spain, in collaboration with our partner ESMOVIA. Another step forward in growing together and making our sector increasingly innovative! Participating Umbrian hotels: HOTEL UMBRIA Attigliano DEI PRIORI BOUTIQUE HOTEL Assisi HOTEL LA ROSETTA Perugia HOTEL CRISTALLO Assisi LOCANDA POGGIOLEONE Perugia DEI PRIORI BOUTIQUE HOTEL Assisi LOCANDA STELLA Perugia HOTEL LIDÒ Passignano sul Trasimeno HOTEL FONTE CESIA Todi POSTA DEI DONINI Perugia HOTEL LOS ANGELES Assisi SAN GIULIANO SPA Foligno HOTEL CLITUNNO Spoleto HOTEL CHARLESTON Spoleto RISTORANTE IL TARTUFO Spoleto
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Casagrande Students in Greece These are the 32 students from Casagrande Cesi in Terni, accompanied by their tutors, participating in Work-Based Learning training activities in various Greek companies. The Erasmus experience is enriched with cultural group visits, including a trip to the famous Palace of Knossos. UMBRIA TRAINING CENTER supported the I.I.S.P.T.C. A. CASAGRANDE - F. CESI Terni in organizing the SHORT-TERM MOBILITY program in RETHYMNO – CRETE, GREECE, hosted by EELI - European Education and Learning Institute .
German Youth Explore Ceramics in Terni Yesterday, eight young German NEETs have attended a ceramics workshop in Terni in collaboration with the association La Girandola. The participants, with the Südwärts group from GrünBau gGmbH Dortmund, as part of the ALMA / JUVENTUS project, had the opportunity to create various objects by shaping clay. In two weeks, we will return for the coloring phase.
The Erasmus Accreditation for the Municipality of Spoleto means joining a European network for the exchange of best practices, innovation, internationalization, and advanced staff training. We are proud to be part of this journey.