Foto di copertina di Veneto Innovazione Spa
Veneto Innovazione Spa

Veneto Innovazione Spa

Servizi informativi

The in-house company of the Veneto regional Government for the spread of innovation and applied research among SMEs

Chi siamo

The Veneto regional company for applied research, innovation and technology transfer Veneto Innovazione Spa is the Veneto regional government in-house agency and it was set up with the regional act n. 45 of September, 6th 1988. The aim is to promote and develop applied research and innovation inside the regional production system, particularly focused on SMEs meaning to pursue high technological standards, environmental improvement and human resource qualification. Veneto Innovazione gathers and co-ordinates scientific, organizational and financial resources existing or converging in the region, with the goal to transfer acquired information on new production processes and research results and to urge SME technology growth. Technology growth interests many and various sectors and Veneto Innovazione is the ideal partner not only for manufacturing companies, but also for service and commercial businesses, for research centres and public administrations.

Sito Web
Servizi informativi
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
innovation, technology transfer, financing innovation e innovation policy


Dipendenti presso Veneto Innovazione Spa


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