

Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale

Mindful Beauty - natural, vegan, allergy free cosmesis meets mindfulness and personal awareness podcasts🌱✨

Chi siamo

YA.BE -(Y)ou (A)re (Be)autiful is beauty from inside out to allow everyone to feel beautiful and look beautiful when looking in the mirror. All our products are renewal experiences where natural vegan and allergy free cosmesis made in Italy meets mindfulness and self awareness through dedicated mindfulness podcasts that accompany esch product and unleash the beauty that each of us is. Our dream is to re-write the definition of beauty.

Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione

Dipendenti presso yabebeauty

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