Post di Diadora

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Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che l’Osservatorio Permanente del Design dell’ADI (Associazione per i Disegni Industriali) ha assegnato lo storico e autorevole premio Compasso D’Oro a Glove Eco di Diadora Utility, la scarpa da lavoro Made In Italy che unisce estetica e funzionalità. Un riconoscimento prestigioso che attesta l’impegno e la dedizione costante di Utility verso la ricerca di soluzioni sempre più innovative per la sicurezza e il benessere dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici. La calzatura di sicurezza Glove Eco sarà esposta presso il nuovo ADI Design Museum - Compasso d'Oro di Milano e sarà protagonista in mostre internazionali dedicate al design Made in Italy. Un grande traguardo che celebra l’eccellenza italiana nel Design e sottolinea il nostro ruolo nel portare innovazione e funzionalità nel settore Safety. We are proud to announce that the Permanent Design Observatory of ADI (Associazione per i Disegni Industriali - Association for Industrial Design) has awarded the historic and prestigious Compasso D'Oro award to the Glove Eco by Diadora Utility, the Italian-made work shoe that combines aesthetics and functionality. This prestigious award attests to Utility’s commitment and constant dedication to the pursuit of increasingly innovative solutions for the safety and well-being of working men and women. The Glove Eco safety footwear will be exhibited at the new ADI Design Museum - Compasso d'Oro in Milan and will be featured in international exhibitions dedicated to Made in Italy design. This is wonderful achievement celebrates Italian excellence in design and emphasises our role in bringing innovation and functionality to the Safety sector.

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Ashu kashyap

Executive - Vsat Analytics Private Limited! (Journey to Success with Pride)! (Direct Deals, Genuine Feels)! (Expanding Possibilities)

2 mesi

Congratulations on receiving the Compasso D'Oro award for the Glove Eco by Diadora Utility! It's truly a remarkable achievement that underscores Utility's dedication to merging aesthetics and functionality in work footwear. The recognition from ADI's Permanent Design Observatory highlights your commitment to innovating for the safety and well-being of workers. Exhibiting the Glove Eco at the ADI Design Museum - Compasso d'Oro in Milan and showcasing it in international exhibitions further solidifies its status as a symbol of Italian design excellence. This accomplishment not only celebrates Italian innovation but also reinforces your pivotal role in advancing safety standards across industries. Well done!

Rucky Zambrano

Product Manager Footwear

3 mesi

complimenti a tutta la filiera!

Marco Brusegan

Tecnico commerciale Magazzini Vicentini Spa filiale di Padova

3 mesi


Congratulazioni Diadora e bravo Cristian Ardissono

francesca zanotto

Partner presso Takeve

3 mesi

Che bellezza! 👏



Licenciado en administración especialista en negocios y ventas

3 mesi


Massimo Colella

Group HR Director at Diadora

3 mesi


Mario Volpato

Modellista Calzature

3 mesi

Diadora Forever❤️

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