Mediobanca Premier è sponsor del XX Forum del Private Banking di AIPB - Associazione Italiana Private Banking in programma oggi. #AIPBForum2024
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Si conclude un anno magnifico per i mercati. Auguriamoci che il trend positivo prosegua e contagi la situazione geopolitica con il raggiungimento di tregue, se non di pace, nelle diverse aree del mondo sconvolte da guerre sempre atroci.
Buone Feste da Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.
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Here's the latest issue of Global Private Banker Magazine adorning Banco Sabadell's feature on the front cover. Insights include- the work private wealth players and service providers are undertaking to foster innovation in serving the worldwide U/HNWI community, Global Private Banking Innovation Awards honourees and what warranted their recognition in 2024, Vincent Lecomte being named as CEO of The Year, an interview with James Whittaker, and more. #privatebanking #wealthmanagement #assetallocation #GPB24
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Noi Puntiamo sempre più in alto. Ecco come i Private Banker di Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking si prendono cura dei patrimoni dei loro clienti. Intesa Sanpaolo Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Fideuram Direct Fideuram Asset Management SGR #iwprivateinvestments #consulenza #consulenzapatrimoniale #consulenzaevoluta #privatebanker
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A very interesting certificate is presented here. First, the certificate is written on a big in the Italian and European Banking Industry. The stock underlying is classified as #momentum, aggressive, volatile and BUY. The certificate, called twin win autocallable, on its side, rewards with cumulative premiums linked to autocall, two-way gain at maturity (within the limits of barrier and cap) and medium-term. Citi
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Felice e fiero che WEALINS S.A. sia anche quest’anno al fianco di AIPB - Associazione Italiana Private Banking per il loro Forum, appuntamento imperdibile per il nostro settore. #YouLeadWeEmpower #WealthInsuranceasaService #expertisesharing #AIPBForum2024 #BuildingTogetherTheWealthInsuranceOfTomorrow
Siamo orgogliosi di sponsorizzare nuovamente il Forum del Private Banking organizzato dall'AIPB - Associazione Italiana Private Banking, la cui XX edizione si terrà domani a Milano sul tema "Il Private Banking per la crescita". Un'imperdibile appuntamento annuale, ed un'opportunità per discutere le sfide che il nostro settore deve affrontare, qui tutte le informazioni e l'iscrizione allo streaming: In questo breve video, il nostro Country Manager Italy, Berardo Staglianò, illustra i vantaggi del contratto di assicurazione vita lussemburghese come strumento efficace per investire in private assets, nonché della polizza key-man, che permette di investire la liquidità aziendale, sostenendone la crescita. #YouLeadWeEmpower #WealthInsuranceasaService #expertisesharing #AIPBForum2024 #BuildingTogetherTheWealthInsuranceOfTomorrow Maria Antonella Massari Alberto Cavo Chiara Ragusa
XX Forum del Private Banking - Intervista a Berardo Staglianò
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The #BankofItaly launched today a public #consultation on secondary measures implementing Directive (EU) 2021/2167 (#SMD), as it will be transposed into Italian law by the legislative decree approved on July 22nd by the Italian Government (still to be published in the Italian Official Gazette). The consultation launched by the Bank of Italy includes: new Bank of Italy provisions governing the newly supervised “#credit #servicers” amendment proposals to the Bank of Italy banking and financial #transparency rules; amendment proposals to the Bank of Italy rules on #ADR in the banking and financial sector; amendment proposals to the Bank of Italy rules on ownership structure of credit institutions and other intermediaries; amendment proposals to the Bank of Italy rules on the Central Credit Register (Centrale dei Rischi) The consultation is addressed to: (i) players intending to file an authorization request as credit servicers; (ii) #financial intermediaries pursuant to art. 106 of the Consolidated Banking Act intending to provide credit servicing services in #EU member States other than Italy; (iii) credit institutions and parent companies of Italian banking groups; (iv) industry associations; (v) any other interested person. The consultation will be open for 60 days from today (date of publication). The Bank of Italy also published instructions for entities intending to file an #authorization request as credit servicers pursuant to the new national legal framework implementing SMD. In particular, in order to ensure an orderly transition to the new regime, the Bank of Italy is available for informal talks with interested players in order to provide the latter with clarifications and preliminary comments on the information and documents to be included in the authorization dossier. In any case, the Bank of Italy clarified that the formal authorization procedures will start only after the completion of the national legal framework. The Bank of Italy consultation and instructions are available at the following address (Italian only): Banca d'Italia - Disposizioni della Banca d'Italia per il recepimento della Direttiva UE 2021/2167 sugli acquirenti e sui gestori di crediti deteriorati ( Antonio Rossi Luciano Vitali Denise Salvatori
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Our Executive Director, Francois-Louis Michaud had the honour of addressing a conference commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (#SSM), hosted by the Banca d'Italia last October. His speech, 'From a single banking rulebook to a single supervisor, and beyond' has now been published along with other contributions from the conference, in the July edition of Quaderni di Ricerca Giuridica. Francois-Louis reflects on the progress that has been made since the SSM came into force, challenges supervisors have faced along the way and of course, next steps to make the system even more robust and efficient. You can read the conference papers here: Bank of Italy - N. 101 - SSM Regulation, ten years since (
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#IntesaSanpaolo riorganizza le attività di private banking
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Grazie a Citywire Italia 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝟑𝟎 per l’intervista sul ruolo del private banker oggi e di come impattano i fattori Esg 🌏 e i cambiamenti normativi nel nostro lavoro. Qui se volete saperne di più 👉🏼
Sandro Berra, Private Banker di Fideuram e 𝐏𝐚𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐨, Private Banker di Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, tra i protagonisti di Citywire Italia 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝟑𝟎, lo speciale dedicato ai professionisti più rilevanti nel panorama italiano del Private Banking. ➲ ➲ #FideuramIntesaSanpaoloPrivateBanking #privatebanking #wealthmanagement #awards
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Imagine managing risks and fostering good governance practices, transparency, and accountability in your MFI or SACCO. With Zimba Core Banking Software, these essential aspects are covered!!! Impress stakeholders with detailed reports, stay connected with clients via SMS banking, and monitor staff transactions from anywhere, anytime. Let us transform your aspirations into reality. Reach out today! 📱 Call: +256708695675 ✉️ Email: 💬 Inbox us! #MFI #fintech #ZimbaTechnologies
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