Il nostro collega Lorenzo Paci, Frontend Developer, ci racconta le nuove funzionalità #JavaScript in grado di semplificare considerevolmente la vita dei programmatori. Per esempio i metodi immutabili per gli array, come toSorted, toSpliced, e toReversed, che evitano di modificare gli array originali, e i nuovi metodi per i Set, permettendo operazioni come union, intersection e difference. Leggete l’articolo per saperne di più ➡️ Grazie Lorenzo per contribuire alla condivisione della conoscenza! #neosperience #tothepowerofempathy #neosperiencetech #techblog #Javascript
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Full Stack Developer | Skilled in Python, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MERN Stack | Proficient in Building Web Applications & Scalable Solutions | Open to Internship Opportunities
I developed a Login Page for Oasis Infobyte using React and Node.js. This page allows users to log in, register, and access secure areas. It features password encryption using bcrypt and utilizes JWT tokens for authentication. Additionally, the system includes error handling mechanisms to ensure a smooth user experience. #DEVELOPMENT #Oasisinfobyte
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Oggi Alessandro Casucci, full stack developer, ha deciso di portare il web rendering come argomento del suo Brew & Code, spiegandoci che cos’è e quali sono i vari step del processo. 👨🏫 Ti piacerebbe approfondire l’argomento con una parte 2? 📚 #oncode #BrewAndCode #webrendering #VitaAziendale #CrescitaProfessionale #TeamBuilding #TechTalks #Condivisione #Conoscenza #personalgrowth #professionalgrowth
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Il metodo #javascript .map() crea un nuovo array popolato con i risultati della chiamata a una funzione fornita su ogni elemento dell’array chiamante. Questo permette non solo la restituzione di un nuovo array, lasciando l’array originale invariato, ma anche un codice più leggibile e conciso 💡 #esis #enterprise #tips #developer #programmazione
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Fantastic announcement: from now on my articles will be also on Codemotion Magazine 🤩 You can already find my latest article about new Angular Control Flow both in English (🇺🇸) and Italian (🇮🇹). 🇮🇹: 🇺🇸: Mamma mia 😁 ✌ #angular #angular17 #codemotion #codemotionMagazine
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Vi è mai capitato di dover confrontare due oggetti in #typescript? A me si, spesso! Anche solo per abilitare o meno il salvataggio di una form o creare una timeline delle modifiche effettuate su un dato. json-diff-ts è perfetta per questo scopo! Molto versatile e (quasi) dependency-free. Nell'esempio ho pensato ad un semplicissimo composable in #vuejs per confrontare due generiche ref().
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Today, I completed the first page for performing CRUD operations within the Clinic Connect application. Following the generation of necessary project signatures and Proguard configurations for testing purposes, the first APK version was released. Observing the smooth execution of CRUD operations through REST APIs designed using the Onion architecture has further heightened my enthusiasm for Flutter. Eager to complete the project! API project can be found here: UI project here: #Flutter #AppDevelopment #RESTAPIs #OnionArchitecture
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React.js | | Node.js | Express | Redux.js | MongoDB | JavaScript | CSS | Bootstrap | Full Stack Developer | Web Developer
Hey everyone 👋 I'm thrilled to share a project I've been working on – a dynamic Media Player built with React, Bootswatch, React Icons, Toastify, React Bootstrap, Axios, and a powerful JSON server backend. 🎬 🎞 Features: 1. Add Videos: Seamlessly add your favorite videos to the player. 2. Categories: Organize your content by creating custom categories. 3. Categorize Videos: manage videos by adding them to specific categories. 4. Watch History: Never miss a beat! A dedicated page to keep track of your viewing history. 5. Delete Videos: Take control! Delete unwanted videos. 🛠 Tech Stack: React: For a dynamic frontend. React Icons: Adding a touch of flair with beautiful icons. Toastify: Providing user-friendly notifications for a seamless experience. Axios: Making smooth API calls to the JSON server. FrontEndRepo: BackEnd Repo: My sincere gratitude to Amritha Asokan for the support and guidance Rahul Mohanakumar , Luminar Technolab for giving me the opportunity. 🚀🎬 #React #WebDevelopment #MediaPlayer #JSONServer #TechInnovation #CodingJourney #OpenSource #DeveloperLife
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Sono entusiasta di partecipare a Frontend Nation! Questo evento virtuale è ricco di workshop, speakers e consigli per portare le tue capacità di frontend a un livello superiore.🖥️ #frontendnation #frontenddev #javascript
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Announcing a new exciting upcoming open-source project for the Angular Community: RealWorld Angular! RealWorld Angular is a collection of example applications built using Angular, one of the most popular front-end frameworks. The project is designed to showcase various Angular libraries and demonstrate technical aspects and best practices in Angular development. By offering real-world scenarios and complex app structures, RealWorld Angular aims to bridge the gap between simplistic tutorial projects and the challenges developers face in real-world applications. Ever wondered how: - to integrate i18n? - use web components? - how NgRX would be used compared to NGXS? The project is just getting started, you can follow updates on the GitHub organization: #angular #opensource #community
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Front-end developer di Palermo, con un forte interesse per la UX e il Service Design e con un background in graphic design.
🤓 Oggi grande novitá 🎉 Abbiamo introdotto l'utilizzo del "fecht" per stampare dati direttamente dal server esterno. Inizia il gioco di squadra tra back-end e front-end! 💪🖥️ Sono soddisfatta di questi giorni, ma ora inizia il mio countdown per il meritato riposo! ⏳ 😅😂 Sarà il momento perfetto per placare la mente, elaborare e mettere in ordine tutte le informazioni nel mio cervello. 💆♂️ Domani un ultimo sforzo ed una nuova occasione di apprendimento. 👨💻 Let's do this! 💪🚀 #FrontEndDevelopment #WebDevelopment #JavaScript #HTML #CSS #ReactJS #Angular #VueJS #FetchAPI #AJAX #AsynchronousProgramming #APIIntegration #WebDesign #UserInterface #ResponsiveDesign #UIUX #WebComponents #TypeScript #ProgressiveWebApps #Coding #SoftwareEngineering #FrontEndFrameworks #SinglePageApplications #DOMManipulation
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