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Specifying the surname.

This directory is indexed by surname. It is essential that you specify the surname of the person you want to find.

If you are not sure how to spell the surname, try just giving the first few letters (those you are sure of). The system will find all surnames which begin with the letters you give.

If you don't know how to spell the whole name, but using the first few letters gives too many matches, you can use wild card characters in the name.

See also the Match name exactly checkbox.

Surnames with more than one component are indexed under all their components, so you can find a Smith-Jones by putting either Smith or Jones, or indeed Smith-Jones or Smith Jones, in the surname box. Note, however, that, if Like sounding names is checked, only a single name component may be specified.

The database contains both McFarlane and MacFarlane. Please try both spellings of Mac names. Don't use a wild card. M%cFarlane is an expensive query.

O'Reilly can be found by typing the name as it is, with the apostrophe.
