Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

Volume 15

Volume 15 Number 2, Pages 139-154

Summer 2004

The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems

Albert Hayashi
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA 91711, USA

Charlie Chen
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608, USA

Terry Ryan
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA 91711, USA

Jiinpo Wu
Tamking University
Tamsui, Taiwan

Abstract: The continuous growth of the electronic learning (e-learning) market has drawn a lot of discussion about the effectiveness of virtual learning environments (VLE). The initial emphasis of e-learning in the context of information technology skills training continues to be relevant. The success of an e-learning program in information technology (IT) may require users to be equipped with a certain degree of computer self-efficacy and affect for information systems. These factors may, in turn, influence the satisfaction level of online learners and their intention to continue using the e-learning system. Therefore, it is plausible that these factors may be as important as or more important than the design of an effective VLE in an IT context. This paper blends the Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) and Expectation-Confirmation Models (ECM), and assesses their applicability on the intention of online learners who continue using the e-learning system as a vehicle to assimilate IT skills. Second, it theorizes the causal relationship of the factors of Perceived Usefulness, Confirmation, Satisfaction, and IS Continuance in the e-learning context. Finally, it assesses the relative importance of social presence in helping online learners to prevail over the online asynchronous environment. Our results indicate that, in the context of assimilating IT skills, there is not a significant relationship among the CSE of online learners, their perceived usefulness, confirmation, and satisfaction level. As a moderating factor, computer self-efficacy does not have significant influence on learning outcomes. For knowledge long transfer, social presence was shown to have an effect in different VLEs.

Keywords: Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM), Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE), Perceived usefulness, Confirmation, Satisfaction, IS continuance intention

Download this article: JISE - Volume 15 Number 2, Page 139.pdf

Recommended Citation: Hayashi, A., Chen, C., Ryan, T., & Wu, J. (2004). The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems. Journal of Information Systems Education, 15(2), 139-154.
