Hire top international talent at an ACCA Virtual Careers Fair

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One of the great things about the accountancy and finance profession is career mobility. It’s a key motivator for people entering the profession, the ability to work in any sector and organisation type and size, in various capacities and virtually anywhere in the world. So why not take the same open and outward view when recruiting finance professionals?

ACCA’s Global talent trends 2024 report reinforces this fluid attitude to career mobility: 44% of respondents intend to move jobs in the next 12 months, 68% in the next two years, and 45% expect to move internationally. On any given day, there are over 25,000 roles advertised on ACCA Careers across the world to the 750,000+ pool of ACCA members and future members.

While we understand that it’s easier said than done to simply fling open your recruitment process to candidates located anywhere in the world, a targeted avenue through which to engage with potential candidates anywhere is surely enticing.

This is where our regional Virtual Careers Fairs (VCFs) come into play. ACCA’s VCFs take place in an enhanced interactive platform designed to provide a highly visual, easy to navigate, all-round pleasant place to be for all.

Employers and recruiters get bespoke branded booths where you can share content that brings your business and brand to life. These are real-world one-stop shops for interacting with potential candidates in a genuinely immersive live environment that allows employers and candidates to mix freely via chat or video calls.

Search hundreds of roles from all over the world on ACCA Careers

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But perhaps most interesting of all to employers looking to expand their candidate talent pool is the International Hall. This is another industry-leading feature that will connect you with our in-demand, global talent, regardless of location. In addition to your regional VCF, you get the opportunity to explore VCFs beyond your home country or region through the International Hall and engage with professionals looking to make an impact internationally. 

If you’d like to take part, we can make this easy. We’ll be able to transfer your booth from the last VCF you attended to the new International Hall at any of our forthcoming fairs. All you need to do is attend at the local time of the selected region and start discussing your vacancies, including your remote roles, with the attending candidates.

If you’re interested in attending one of our VCFs, get in touch with your local ACCA office to learn more about the upcoming careers fairs in your region or inquire about the International Hall if you’re looking to hire international talent.

For more information about VCFs, visit our pages on the main ACCA website.

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