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    Anomalous shift and optical vorticity in the steady photovoltaic current

    Light can be rectified to a direct current by inducing real-space displacements (shifts) of quasiparticles. While the shift due to photon absorption (shiftexc) has received the prevailing attention, shifts due to intraband relaxation and interband recombination have been overlooked in recent decades. Here, the authors demonstrate that these shifts have a quantum geometric origin and can surpass shiftexc by orders of magnitude. The theory is applied to a case study of the three-dimensional semiconductor BiTeI.

    Penghao Zhu and A. Alexandradinata
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 115108 (2024)

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    Second-order adiabatic expansion of heat and charge currents within the nonequilibrium Green’s function approach

    Nanoscale heat management and energy conversion require precise control of energy flow. Adiabatic expansions are key tools for studying time-dependent devices such as quantum motors and pumps, but their complexity has limited research to first-order approximations. This work develops a novel theoretical framework to calculate second-order energy, heat, and charge currents, enabling a deeper understanding of quantum thermodynamics and the study of unexplored phenomena, such as second-order monoparametric pumping.

    Sebastián E. Deghi and Raúl A. Bustos-Marún
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 115409 (2024)

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    Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem with long-range interactions

    The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem states that a finite-range Hamiltonian in translationally and spin-rotationally invariant spin-1/2 systems cannot have a unique gapped ground state. Here, the author extends the theorem to include Hamiltonians with terms that act on a finite number of sites, but which may be far apart, provided that the interaction strength decays with distance faster than a certain power law. As the spatial dimension increases, the power law required to guarantee the result demands faster decay.

    Ruochen Ma
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 104412 (2024)

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    Engineering topology in graphene with chiral cavities

    This work elucidates how the quantum nature of photons affects the topology of the correlated photoelectron hybrid wave function. The authors reveal a fundamental relation between the Berry phase and the properties of exchanged photons with matter at light-matter hybridization points in the Brillouin zone. Furthermore, the cavity-mediated electronic interactions in graphene valleys are analytically derived for the case where the material is subject to enhanced vacuum fluctuations in a chiral cavity.

    Ceren B. Dag and Vasil Rokaj
    Phys. Rev. B 110, L121101 (2024)

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    Phonon thermal Hall effect in nonmagnetic Y2Ti2O7

    The authors report a field-linear thermal Hall effect in single-crystal samples of Y2Ti2O7, Dy2Ti2O7, and DyYTi2O7. The slopes κxy/B show temperature-dependent peaks that align with corresponding peaks in the respective longitudinal thermal conductivities κxx(T). This is consistent with a phononic thermal Hall effect, observed in a growing number of insulating materials. While the presence of magnetic Dy3+ ions significantly influences the longitudinal thermal conductivities, the thermal Hall ratios vary rather weakly between magnetic and nonmagnetic materials, suggesting a primarily nonmagnetic origin of the thermal Hall effect.

    Rohit Sharma, Martin Valldor, and Thomas Lorenz
    Phys. Rev. B 110, L100301 (2024)

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    Giant effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons from orbit-lattice coupling

    Circularly polarized lattice vibrations, also known as chiral phonons, carry angular momentum that leads to magnetic response. Recent experiments revealed responses far exceeding prior theoretical predictions within a classical framework. Here, the authors introduce a microscopic model which explains the large magnetic moments of chiral phonons in magnetic materials, resulting from orbit-lattice couplings that hybridize optical phonons with orbital electronic transitions.

    Swati Chaudhary, Dominik M. Juraschek, Martin Rodriguez-Vega, and Gregory A. Fiete
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 094401 (2024)

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    Tunable inter-moiré physics in consecutively twisted trilayer graphene

    By electrostatically tuning the strength and hierarchy of the inter-moiré interaction in a consecutively twisted trilayer graphene (tTLG) device with two distinct moiré superlattices, the authors observe here a new type of inter-moiré Hofstadter butterfly. The periodical pattern of the butterfly corresponds to one of the intermediate quasicrystal length scales of the reconstructed moiré of moiré (MoM) superlattice. This study sheds new light on emergent physics from competing atomic orders in twisted multilayer 2D material platforms.

    Wei Ren et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 115404 (2024)

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    Electron-phonon coupling and competing Kekulé orders in twisted bilayer graphene

    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene has attracted significant attention for its strongly correlated phenomena. Recent scanning tunneling experiments have measured graphene-scale Kekulé charge ordering in some of the correlated insulators and nearby metallic phases. While most of these can be explained by the strain-induced incommensurate Kekulé spiral phase, the presence of Kekulé ordering in ultralow strain devices is unexpected within the existing theory. Using Hartree-Fock and strong-coupling calculations, the authors show that such observations can be rationalized by invoking electron-phonon coupling to zone-corner graphene phonons.

    Yves H. Kwan et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 085160 (2024)

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    Bulk and surface uniformity of magnetic and electronic structures in epitaxial W/Mn3Sn/MgO films revealed by fluorescence- and electron-yield x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

    The chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn epitaxial thin film offers sunique opportunities in spintronics research due to its strong Berry curvature driven response, though its magnetic properties near interfaces remain largely unexplored. Here, the authors employ x-ray magnetic circular dichroism and demonstrate the uniform magnetic structures throughout the Mn3Sn layer, from bottom to top interfaces in the W/Mn3Sn/MgO multilayer. This research underscores the intrinsic nature of previously reported spin-torque phenomena, paving the way for the accelerated development of innovative spintronic devices.

    Shoya Sakamoto et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, L060412 (2024)

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    Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material 1TTaTe2

    Optical excitations of quantum materials promise novel technological functionality. Here, the authors report on laser-induced structural dynamics in 1T’-TaTe2, finding a femtosecond structural transformation between two charge-density-wave phases. Groundbreaking methodological advancements in ultrafast electron diffraction allow to uncover the transition mechanism with high resolution and sensitivity, enabled by a high-coherence electron source and the formation of nanometer-sized pulsed electron illumination. In particular, the transition is induced and subsequently probed at an unprecedented repetition rate of 2 MHz.

    Till Domröse and Claus Ropers
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 085155 (2024)

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    Quantum Hall interferometry at finite bias with multiple edge channels

    Electronic interferometry has emerged as a powerful tool to extract information about 2D electron liquids, including fractional statistics of anyons in the quantum Hall effect. The existing theory mostly addresses the conceptually simplest case of a single edge mode, but recent experiments have focused on multichannel edges. Motivated by recent experiments, the authors consider here a quantum Hall interferometer model containing two edge modes and study theoretically the current-voltage curves for various values of the relative edge velocities, interaction strength, and the temperature. When the inner mode is completely reflected and the outer mode is partially transmitted, the authors find striking features related to resonance of excitations of the closed inner channel. Fluctuations in the charge of the closed inner mode, caused by sparse tunneling events, lead to an exponential suppression of the interference visibility at high voltages, in agreement with experiments.

    Zezhu Wei, D. E. Feldman, and Bertrand I. Halperin
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 075306 (2024)

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    Quantization of intraband and interband Berry phases in the shift current

    The theory of the shift current has thus far been geometrical without being topological. This means that the real-space displacement of a photoexcited quasiparticle depends on the geometric Berry phase, but the Berry phase is not quantized to a rational multiple of 2π in any known material. The author rectifies this status quo by introducing a new class of topological insulators whose wave-function topology is only compatible with materials lacking a center of inversion.

    A. Alexandradinata
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 075159 (2024)

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    Flux-tunable Josephson effect in a four-terminal junction

    The authors measure here a four-terminal Josephson junction within two coupled DC superconducting quantum interference devices. The device behaves as a tunable ϕ0 junction with a nontrivial current-phase relation. Its current-phase relation, and the current-phase relation of other multiterminal junctions including some purported to host Andreev molecule states, are shown to be well described by a network of two-terminal junctions coupling the junction terminals without any Andreev bound state interactions.

    Christian G. Prosko et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 064518 (2024)

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    Fermi surface topology and magnetotransport properties of superconducting Pd3Bi2Se2

    Topological superconductors are studied for their potential to host Majorana fermions, crucial for fault-tolerant quantum computing. These materials require both topologically nontrivial bands and a superconducting ground state, making them rare. Pd3Bi2Se2, with a nonzero Z2 topological invariant, is one such promising candidate topological superconductor. Here, the authors investigate the superconducting properties, magnetotransport, and quantum oscillations of Pd3Bi2Se2. The quantum oscillation measurements, supported by band structure calculations, confirm Pd3Bi2Se2’s nontrivial topology, reinforcing its potential as a topological superconductor.

    Ramakanta Chapai et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 075152 (2024)

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    Majorana-mediated thermoelectric transport in multiterminal junctions

    The clear identification of Majorana modes remains one of the most challenging unresolved issues in condensed matter physics. The authors explore the thermoelectric properties transverse to quantum-dot-based Josephson junctions in a novel four-terminal configuration. The superconducting phase dependence introduces a distinctive control mechanism that significantly aids in detecting signatures of Majorana states. This is evidenced by their impact on transverse electrical and thermal conductances, the Seebeck coefficient, and the observed violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law.

    Raffael L. Klees et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 064517 (2024)

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    Multiband transport in RuO2

    While ruthenium dioxide has been cited as the canonical realization of the altermagnetic state, many recent experimental probes are at odds. Here, the authors demonstrate that transport in single crystals shows no sign of a transition to an altermagnetic state over an extended temperature range up to 1000 K and that the magnetotransport in single crystals is dominated by multiband effects.

    Florent Pawula et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 064432 (2024)

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    Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material 1T′-TaTe2
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    Phys. Rev. B 110, 085155 (2024)

    Multiband transport in RuO2
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    Phys. Rev. B 110, 064432 (2024)

    Bulk and surface uniformity of magnetic and electronic structures in epitaxial W/Mn3Sn/MgO films revealed by fluorescence- and electron-yield x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
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    Phys. Rev. B 110, L060412 (2024)

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