NSG Group is pleased to announce that it will exhibit at Vision China (Shanghai) 2025, China's largest and most advanced machine vision exhibition, which will be held in Shanghai, China from March 26 to 28, 2025, local time. The company will showcase the SELFOC® lens series, a unique optical lens that enables simple and compact optical system design. Learn more on our website: ➡️ https://bit.ly/4hgrKLp #visionchina #shanghai #lens #opticallens #tradefair #nsggroup #glassindustry
NSG Group
Changing our surroundings, improving our world.
The NSG Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of glass and glazing products for the architectural, automotive and technical glass sectors. Founded in 1918, NSG acquired the leading UK-based glass manufacturer Pilkington plc in June 2006. Today, the Group has around 27,000 permanent employees, principal operations in 30 countries and sales in over 100. Geographically, just over a third of the Group’s sales are in Europe, around a third in Japan and the rest primarily in North and South America, South East Asia and China. The Group operates in three main sectors: Architectural supplies glass for buildings and Solar Energy applications. Automotive serves the original equipment, aftermarket replacement and specialized transport glazing markets. Technical Glass products include very thin glass for displays, lenses and light guides for printers, and glass fiber, used in battery separators and engine timing.
- ウェブサイト
NSG Groupの外部リンク
- 業種
- ガラス・セラミックス・コンクリート製造業
- 会社規模
- 社員 10,001名以上
- 本社
- Minato-ku、Tokoyo
- 種類
- 上場企業
- 専門分野
- Architectural Glazing、Automotive Glazing、Technical Glass
NSG Groupの社員
Interactive mirrors are made for more than just reflections. They feature a special coating that allows visual displays behind the mirror to show through when the display is turned on, but when the display is turned off the mirror hides the display. Read more on Glass Industry Network website. ⬇️ #glassindustry #smartmirror #mirror #glass #design #interactive
Happy International Women's Day! 🌹🌹🌹 The theme of this year's International Women's Day campaign is 'Accelerate Action'. Accelerate Action is a worldwide call to acknowledge strategies, resources, and activity that positively impact women's advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation. Collectively, we can Accelerate Action for gender equality. So, together, let's Accelerate Action to speed up the rate of progress worldwide. #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #internationalwomensday
NGF Europe would like to give a special mention to Kalpana Raj, an AWS re/Start graduate, for her excellent work on the MeterReader+ project. ✨ The MeterReader+ app simplifies how meter readings are recorded on the shop floor, replacing manual data entry with an automated, AWS-powered solution. Kalpana made significant contributions to developing and deploying this full-stack web application, ensuring it integrates smoothly with NGF Europe's existing database. In addition, she also supported the deployment process by coming onsite to apply her technical skills and problem-solving abilities to facilitate a successful rollout. 👏🏻 #ngf #people #graduate #AWS #webapplication #nsggroup #webapp
It’s February 22! 50 Days to Go to EXPO 2025!🎉 In just a few weeks, a six-month adventure packed with the best of the latest technology, culture, cuisine, and unforgettable emotions from around the world will begin✨ Let's experience a journey from the Sumitomo Pavilion and venture into a bright future where people, forest, and all living things resonate and live in harmony. #EXPO2025 #sumitomopavilion #japan #technology #expo #nsggroup #future
NSG Group is pleased to announce that it received a Climate Change A- leadership rating again from CDP for the recognition of its climate change actions and information disclosure. Learn more on our website: https://bit.ly/4gMteN3 #glassindustry #sustainability #climatechange #cdp #leadership #carbonneutrality #desarbonisation #decarbonization
Pilkington Nederland B.V., part of the NSG Group, has once again achieved the prestigious Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver certification for a wide range of insulating glass products during its recertification. We are proud of this achievement! 👌🏻 Congratulations to the team! 👏🏻 Learn more on our website: ➡️ https://bit.ly/3CAqhkR #cradletocradle #glass #insulatedglass #insulatingglass #sustainability #cradle2cradle #glassindustry #architecturalglass #pilkington #nsggroup
NSG Group is pleased to announce the warm up of a newly converted TCO (transparent conductive oxide) facility at the Pilkington North America, Inc. Rossford, Ohio, USA. The investment is to support the growth in U.S. manufacture of thin film solar modules. Congratulations to the Rossford team, the hard work does not go unnoticed! Learn more on our website: ➡️ https://bit.ly/4hp2UcT #glass #tco #glassindustry #solarmodules #solarenergy #pilkington #nsggroup #rossford #usa
The BAU trade fair in Munich is already starting next week.💡 We invite you to visit our stand to see how innovation meets sustainability. We look forward to inspiring meetings and exciting discussions! See you in Munich.👋🏻 #bau #bau2025 #nsggroup #pilkington #glass #architecturalglass #innovation #sustainability #tradefair #munich #glassindustry
As a member of the Sumitomo Promotion Committee, NSG Group will be exhibiting at the Sumitomo Pavilion by contributing its materials and technology in support of the EXPO theme. With only 95 days remaining until the event, let's work together to generate some excitement! #nsggroup #expo2025 #sumitomopavilion #japan #osaka #glassindustry #technology