Amsterdam is the largest city in the Netherlands, a country in northwestern Europe. It is the official capital of the Netherlands. However, the government offices are in the city of The Hague.

Amsterdam is the country’s major economic center. It is also famous as a place of freedom and tolerance. Tourists go to Amsterdam to see its scenic canals and collections of great art.

The Amstel River flows through Amsterdam. The city also lies on a body of water called the IJ (pronounced “eye”). A canal connects the IJ with the North Sea. Amsterdam is a major port.

Part of Amsterdam’s land used to be underwater, but people drained the land. A system of pumps, barriers, and canals keeps the water from rushing in again. Boats travel through the city along a cobweb pattern of canals. More than 1,000 bridges provide land connections over the canals.

The old, central part of Amsterdam has many ancient buildings. Most notable are the Old Church, built in the 1200s, and the New Church, begun in the 1400s. Next to the New Church is the city hall, now the Royal Palace. It was built in the 1600s. Well-preserved town houses along the canals date back to the 1600s and 1700s.

The great artist Rembrandt van Rijn lived in Amsterdam in the 1600s. He is buried in the West Church. The Rembrandt House is now a museum. The former Jewish quarter contains the Portuguese Synagogue, which is also from the 1600s.

Amsterdam has a rich and thriving cultural life. The city has more than 40 museums. The Rijksmuseum (State Museum) is famous for its collection of Dutch masterpieces. The Van Gogh Museum is dedicated to the work of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.

The Concertgebouw (Concert Hall) is home to the world-famous Concertgebouw Orchestra. The national ballet and opera companies also perform in the city. Amsterdam has two universities—the University of Amsterdam and the Free University. The city hosted the Olympic Games in 1928. The stadium built for the games is still a world-class sports arena. It also holds concerts and other events.

For seven centuries Amsterdam has been a center of international trade and transportation. Other important industries include banking, insurance, and tourism. Industries that provide services to businesses also bring money to the city.

Amsterdam began as a fishing village in the 1200s. It was originally named Amsteldam, because it was located around a dam built across the Amstel River. By the 1400s it was an important port.

During the 1500s many Jews and Protestants fled religious wars in other parts of Europe. Many settled in Amsterdam because it was known for its religious freedom.

The 1600s were Amsterdam’s golden age. The city grew wealthy as a center of trade and banking. Amsterdam declined somewhat in the 1700s.

Nazi troops from Germany controlled Amsterdam in the 1940s, during World War II. The Nazis destroyed most of the Jewish community in the city. One of the Jewish residents who did not survive was Anne Frank, a teenage girl whose famous diary was published after the war. The attic where she and her family hid from the Nazis is preserved as a museum.

After the war Amsterdam began to thrive again. Its economy grew greatly in the late 20th century. Population (2011 estimate), urban area, 1,525,081.

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