The Ashanti, or Asante, people formed a powerful West African kingdom in the 1700s and 1800s. The kingdom grew wealthy from the slave trade and conquered many peoples. In 1874, however, the kingdom became a colony of Great Britain. The Ashanti territory is now part of the country of Ghana.

The rise of the Ashanti began in the 1670s, when Ashanti ruler Osei Tutu crushed all opponents in the region. He then declared himself Asantehene, or king. The next ruler, Opoku Ware, continued the Ashanti’s conquests. During his reign, from 1720 to 1750, the empire reached its peak.

Throughout the 1700s, the Ashanti supplied captives to British and Dutch slave traders on the coast. In return, the Europeans provided the Ashanti with firearms that they used to make more conquests. Great Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807. After that, the Ashanti had to rely more heavily on other trade items, such as gold, ivory, and cocoa.

Serious trouble came when Britain expanded its own empire inland. In 1874 British forces captured Kumasi, the capital of the Ashanti. The Ashanti soon lost their hold over the groups they had ruled over. In 1902 Ashanti lands were made into part of a British colony called the Gold Coast. In 1957 the Gold Coast became the independent republic of Ghana. The Ashanti area currently accounts for about one fourth of Ghana’s land. Kumasi, the former Ashanti capital, remains a busy and prosperous city.

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