Augrabies Falls are a series of waterfalls on the Orange River in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The Swedish explorer Hendrik Jakob Wikar gave the name Augrabies to the falls in 1799. He had heard the indigenous, or native, people of the area use a similar-sounding name.

The falls begin on a granite plateau where the Orange River splits into several smaller channels. The water spills from the plateau in 19 separate waterfalls. It then flows into a narrow gorge that is about 11 miles (18 kilometers) long. The main waterfall is 184 feet (56 meters) high.

Several viewpoints along the falls have names that describe the environment. They include Moon Rock, Swart Rante (“Black Hills”), Oranjekom (“Orange Basin”), and Echo Corner.

Many species, or types, of lizards and salamanders are found on the rocks around Augrabies Falls. Antelopes called klipspringers and eagles also live in the surrounding Augrabies Falls National Park. Trees and shrubs that grow in the park include quiver, camel thorn, sweet thorn, jacket plum, wild tamarisk, and white karee.

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