In the 1400s and early 1500s the Aztec people controlled a large empire in the area that is now central and southern Mexico. At its most powerful, the Aztec Empire spread over 80,000 square miles (207,000 square kilometers). Montezuma II, the last great Aztec emperor, ruled over 5 to 6 million people.

The Aztec name came from the word Aztlán (“White Land”). This refers to the land that they came from, probably in northern Mexico. They were also called the Tenochca, from an ancestor named Tenoch, and the Mexica. The latter name probably came from Metzliapán (“Moon Lake”), the mystical name for Lake Texcoco, where they built their capital.

The capital city of the Aztec was Tenochtitlán. It was built on islands in Lake Texcoco. The lake was later drained, and today the land is part of Mexico City. Tenochtitlán reflected the power and wealth of the empire. It had gleaming white palaces and temples on top of pyramids. City officials lived in houses made from stone and adobe, or sun-dried clay. Farmers lived in huts made of woven rods and twigs covered with clay.

Most Aztec were farmers. They grew corn, beans, peppers, squash, tomatoes, tobacco, and cotton. Other Aztec were traders and craftsmen.

The Aztec spoke a language called Nahua. Many Aztec words were later incorporated into the Spanish language. Some of these words, such as chocolate, tomato, ocelot, coyote, and avocado, have also become part of the English language. The Aztec had no alphabet of their own, but they used picture writing to record their history.

Religion was very important to the Aztec. They worshipped several gods who represented the forces of nature. Among the most important Aztec gods were Huitzilopochtli, a sun god and the god of war; Tonatiuh, another god of the sun; and Tlaloc, the god of rain. Quetzalcóatl was the god of learning and a symbol of death and rebirth.

The Aztec performed elaborate rituals and ceremonies to obtain help from the gods. Human sacrifice, or the killing of people for religious reasons, played an important part in the rites. The Aztec believed that because life was humankind’s most precious possession, it was the most acceptable gift for the gods. They sacrificed thousands of prisoners captured in war.

The Aztec had learned from the Maya how to determine the solar year accurately. With this knowledge their priests kept an exact solar calendar. An almanac gave dates for festivals and listed the various deities who held sway over each day and hour.

The Aztec probably moved into central Mexico from the north in about ad 1200. There they took on parts of the cultures of earlier peoples, including the Toltec, the Maya, and the Zapotec. Aztec legends reveal that the early Aztec were hunters and gatherers. They fought with other tribes in the Valley of Mexico and were sometimes forced to serve them. Finally, they took refuge on islands in Lake Texcoco. They founded Tenochtitlán in about 1325.

About 50 years later the Aztec chose their first tlatoani, or king. His name was Acamapichtli. For many years the Aztec were dominated by a neighboring state called Azcapotzalco. In the early 1400s the Aztec king at the time made an alliance with two other nearby states. They combined to defeat Azcapotzalco. After that the power of the Aztec steadily grew.

During the reign of the eighth king, Ahuitzotl, the tlatoani became known as the huey tlatoani, which means “supreme king” or “emperor.” Ahuitzotl ruled until 1502. He expanded the empire to its largest size in history. Montezuma II maintained the mighty empire until 1519, when Spanish conquerors arrived in the Aztec lands.

The Aztec were at the height of their power when Hernán Cortés and his Spanish soldiers arrived. In 1521 the Spanish took control of Tenochtitlán, ending the Aztec Empire. Many of the Indians living in the Mexico City region today are descendants of the Aztec.

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