Benedict Arnold was an American army officer who famously switched over to the side of the British during the American Revolution. In the United States, his name is often used to describe someone as a traitor.

Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. His father was a wealthy landowner. As a boy Arnold ran away from home twice to join the colonial troops that were fighting in the French and Indian War.

When the American Revolution began in 1775, Arnold volunteered to fight against the British. He helped American patriots take back Fort Ticonderoga in New York. During a difficult mission to capture Quebec from the British he was seriously wounded.

In 1776 Arnold became a brigadier general. He organized a fleet of boats that defeated a much stronger British fleet. He returned a hero. In 1777 Arnold wanted to quit the army because he was not given as high a position as he thought he deserved. George Washington was able to talk Arnold into staying in the army.

Later that year Arnold became a major general. He was seriously wounded at the Battles of Saratoga in New York but continued to fight. He was rewarded with a higher position in the army. In 1778 Arnold was given a post in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There he spent time with people who supported the British. He also spent a great deal of money. He soon found himself needing more money.

In 1779 Arnold began to help the British. He sent important military information to them in exchange for money. In 1780 Arnold was given command of the American military post at West Point, New York. He planned to turn the American post over to the British. However, the British spy who was speaking to Arnold was caught by the Americans. The spy’s papers proved that Arnold was a traitor.

Arnold fled to the main British post in New York City. He served with the British for the rest of the war. When the fighting eased in 1781, Arnold moved with his family to England. He later spent time in Canada and the West Indies but then returned to England. He died in London, England, on June 14, 1801.

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