Botswana profile

Since gaining independence in 1966, the African country of Botswana has enjoyed a stable government, economic growth, and harmony between its peoples. The country’s unspoiled wilderness draws many visitors. The capital is Gaborone.

Botswana is bordered by Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia. Rivers, including the Chobe, the Limpopo, and the Molopo, form several of the borders. The country is almost entirely flat, with rocky hills only in the southeast and northwest. The Kalahari Desert covers most of the south and west. The Okavango Swamp lies in the northwest. Much of the country has hot summers and cooler winters. Droughts occur frequently.

Savannas, or grasslands with scattered trees, cover much of Botswana. The Kalahari has desert grasses and scrub. True forests occur only in the far north.

Botswana’s wildlife includes lions, elephants, leopards, giraffes, buffalo, antelopes, zebras, wildebeests, ostriches, snakes, and scorpions. Hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and hundreds of types of birds live near the rivers.

Botswana’s largest ethnic group is the Tswana, followed by the Kalanga. Scattered groups of San live in the Kalahari. About half of the people live in cities and towns, mainly in the southeast. The official language is English, but most people speak Setswana in daily life. About 40 percent of the people follow traditional African religions. The rest of the people are mostly Christians.

Botswana’s economy is based largely on mining. The country has rich deposits of diamonds, soda ash (sodium carbonate), copper, nickel, and coal. Manufacturers make cars, beverages, and bricks. Tourism is a major source of income.

Livestock raising and farming, the traditional occupations of the Tswana, still employ most of the workers. Farmers raise goats, cattle, and sheep. They grow sorghum, legumes, and corn.

Botswana’s earliest inhabitants were probably Khoekhoe and San peoples, who may have arrived in the region in about 17,000 bce. Bantu-speaking farmers began migrating to the area in about 190 ce. In the 1700s the Tswana people arrived and established several powerful states. They soon came to dominate the country that is now named after them.

In 1867 the discovery of gold excited European interest in the area. In 1885 the region came under the control of the British, who called it the Bechuanaland Protectorate.

In 1966 Bechuanaland gained independence as the Republic of Botswana. The country’s first president, Seretse Khama, promoted democracy and built up the economy. Problems between Botswana, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and South Africa eased in the 1980s and 1990s.

Stability in southern Africa allowed Botswana to focus on solving its own problems. In the early 21st century those problems included a large gap between the rich and the poor, unemployment, and a high rate of HIV infection and AIDS.

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