Brazil profile

The largest country in South America, Brazil takes up about half of the continent. It is one of the world’s largest and most economically important countries. It is also filled with some of the greatest natural treasures on Earth. Brazil’s Amazon River basin, including the Amazon rainforest, is one of Earth’s richest areas of plant and animal life. The Iguazú Falls in the south constitute one of the country’s most famous natural wonders. Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in South America. While language distinguishes it from its neighbors, however, the country has much in common historically and culturally with the rest of the region. The capital is Brasília.

Brazil shares borders with every South American nation except Ecuador and Chile. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the east. To the south is Uruguay; to the southwest are Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia; to the west, Peru; to the northwest, Colombia; and to the north are Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and the territory of French Guiana. The country covers an area of 3,300,171 square miles (8,547,404 square kilometers).

In such a large country there are many different geographical regions. The two that dominate the landscape are the Amazon River basin in the north and the Brazilian Highlands, or Plateau, in the center, east, and south. The northeastern coast is flat and dry; the central part of the Brazilian Highlands is mostly grassland; and the southeastern coast includes narrow plains and scenic mountains. In the central-western part of Brazil is a vast wetland called the Pantanal.

The Amazon, with its many large tributaries, is the world’s largest river system. Other major rivers in Brazil include the Paraguay, the Paraná, the Tocantins, the Araguaia, and the São Francisco.

Brazil is the world’s largest tropical country. In the rainforest, temperatures average 80° F (27° C) all year round and rainfall is heavy. South of the Amazon lowland the climate becomes more varied. Along the coast temperatures can reach as low as 57° F (14° C), and during winter there are sometimes freezing temperatures in the southern hills.

The Amazon rainforest has the most varied plant life on Earth, with about 50,000 different species. Individual plants of each species are widely scattered throughout the forest. This helps them survive blight, disease, and pests.

The animal life along the Amazon is equally diverse. Because of the tall trees, very little sunlight reaches the ground. Most animals therefore live in the trees, at different heights up to the treetops at about 150 feet (45 meters), where food and sunlight are plentiful. Animals living in the tree canopy include tree frogs and salamanders, monkeys, swarms of insects, and hundreds of types of birds. Parrots, macaws, and hummingbirds are common. Brazil has tens of thousands of butterflies—more than any other place in the world.

Larger animals in the rainforest include jaguars, tapirs, pumas, and sloths. Along the riverbanks can be found the world’s largest rodent, the capybara, as well as alligators, boa constrictors, and turtles. The river itself contains a wide variety of fish, including electric eels, catfish, and the famous piranha. Manatees and freshwater dolphins are also common.

Outside the Amazon basin, in the Pantanal wetland, are great numbers of birds, reptiles, insects, and larger animals such as anteaters and armadillos. In the southeastern part of the country, where many of Brazil’s largest cities are located, most of the original forests have been destroyed to make way for the cities. Because of this, few wild animals remain in southeastern Brazil.

In the drier northeastern region of Brazil, the plant cover is low and spread out. It is known as caatinga, from an Indian term meaning “white forest.” Thicker woodlands known as agreste grow in moister areas, mainly between the caatinga and the coast. Covered in thorns, these woods may in places reach heights of up to 30 feet (10 meters), with interlocking branches that make them hard to get through.

Brazil’s population is a mix of several different ethnic groups. These include descendants of the original Indians, the Portuguese who colonized the region beginning in the 1500s, and the Africans whom the Portuguese brought as slaves to work their plantations and mines. Starting in the mid-1800s, thousands of European settlers from Italy, Germany, and parts of eastern Europe began to move to the country. Later, in the early 1900s, large groups of Japanese also moved to Brazil. From the earliest days of Brazil’s colonial history, these groups have intermarried, so that today most Brazilians have a variety of ancestors.

The Portuguese language, enriched by Indian and African influences, is the official language of Brazil. Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion, though a number of Indian and African beliefs are also still practiced.

More than 80 percent of Brazil’s people live in cities or towns, and 12 of those cities have more than 1 million inhabitants each. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are two of the world’s largest cities. Some of the other major cities are Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Brasília, Recife, and Pôrto Alegre. Most of the rural population is concentrated along the east coast or in the southern highlands, though more and more rural families have moved inland, to the Amazon basin and elsewhere, to clear forests to make room for farms and mines.

Services—including education, government, banks, hospitals, restaurants, and the military—are the largest part of Brazil’s economy. Manufacturing is the second most important area of the economy. The country mainly produces foods, petroleum products, cars and trucks, electrical equipment, steel, and chemicals. Brazil’s industries use its reserves of iron, silicon, clay, quartz, gold, coal, petroleum, natural gas, and wood.

Farmers use less than 10 percent of Brazil’s land, mostly in the south. However, Brazil is one of the world’s top producers of oranges and coffee. Farmers also grow sugarcane, soybeans, corn, cassava, rice, bananas, tomatoes, and many other crops. They raise great numbers of cattle and hogs.

Early History

Before the Portuguese arrived in what is now Brazil, the region was the home of at least 2 million Indians. Those who occupied the drier lands lived mostly by hunting and gathering. Other groups lived in the rainforests of the Amazon and along the Atlantic coast. Some of these groups were also hunters and gatherers. Many others lived in large villages (as many as 3,000 people) and were expert farmers and fishermen. They also manufactured hammocks, canoes and balsa rafts, blowguns for hunting and warfare, and pottery.

Brazil Under the Portuguese

On April 22, 1500, the navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral claimed the land for Portugal after landing near what is now Pôrto Seguro, Brazil. Soon after the Portuguese began to settle Brazil in the early 1500s, they began importing Africans to work on the sugar plantations and, later, in the gold and diamond mines and on the coffee plantations. By 1822, when the slave trade was abolished, about four million Africans had been brought to Brazil.

Brazil was long neglected by the Portuguese, whose attention was focused on their wealthier colonies in Asia and Africa. As a result the French established settlements at São Luís and Rio de Janeiro, and in 1624 the Dutch occupied the entire northeastern coast. By then sugar from that area had become important to the Portuguese economy, and non-Portuguese settlers were forced to leave by 1654.

When the French emperor Napoleon threatened to invade Portugal in 1808 the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil. They ruled from there and made Brazil equal with Portugal in the new United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves. The king returned to Portugal in 1821 but his son, Dom Pedro, stayed in Brazil. The next year Dom Pedro declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal and became emperor of the new nation. In 1889 Brazil became a federal republic.

Recent History

Since its independence, Brazil has been one of Latin America’s most stable nations, though dictators and the military have ruled at times. Since 1985, civilian (nonmilitary) governments have led Brazil. In 1988 the country adopted a new constitution that guaranteed basic social and labor rights. Brazil continued to struggle to strengthen its economy, which has suffered from long periods of rising prices. It has also tried to resolve its serious social problems, but with mixed results, as its population and diversity continue to grow.

In 2010 Brazil elected its first woman president, Dilma Rousseff. Soon after she took office in January 2011, Rousseff had to address one of Brazil’s worst natural disasters in decades. Torrential rain created floods and mudslides that left thousands homeless and killed more than 500 in several mountainside communities just north of Rio de Janeiro.

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