Cecil Rhodes was a British politician and statesman. He spent his life trying to expand the British Empire, particularly in southern Africa.

Cecil John Rhodes was born in Hertfordshire, England, on July 5, 1853. When he was 17 years old, he developed tuberculosis. It prevented him from attending the University of Oxford. Instead he moved to South Africa to work on a farm with his brother. After a year they left for the diamond fields in Kimberley. In South Africa, Rhodes’s health improved. He was able to return to England and attend the University of Oxford, though he continued to spend time in South Africa as well. He finally received his degree in 1881.

In 1871 Rhodes had bought a share in a diamond mine on the property of a family named De Beers. He eventually bought most of the diamond mines in southern Africa. Rhodes formed a company called De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., in 1888. By 1891 the company owned 90 percent of the world’s production of diamonds.

When gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand (near what is now Johannesburg), Rhodes bought a share in the new gold mines that were developed. In 1887 he founded the Gold Fields of South Africa Company.

Rhodes also went into politics. In 1881 he was elected to Parliament in the Cape Colony. In 1890 he became prime minister of the Cape Colony.

Rhodes wanted to expand his trade and British control northward into Africa. He wanted to build a railway from Cape Town to Cairo, in Egypt. In 1884 he persuaded Britain to take over Bechuanaland (now Botswana).

In 1889 the Matabele people in what is now Zimbabwe and their king, Lobengula, gave Rhodes the rights to explore for minerals on their land. In the same year, Rhodes asked Britain to establish the British South Africa Company to develop the territory. Rhodes was the head of this company. He later expanded the company’s management to another region farther to the north. Both regions were named after him. They were called Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia).

Rhodes wanted to take control of the Transvaal as well because the Transvaal had large deposits of gold. The Transvaal was a colony to the north and east of the Cape Colony. It was home to Dutch settlers called the Boers. In 1895 Leander Jameson, Rhodes’s friend, raided the Transvaal, hoping to overthrow the Boer government. The raid failed. Rhodes was involved in this invasion. He was forced to resign as prime minister of the Cape Colony and as head of the British South Africa Company.

In the 1890s Rhodes stopped a revolution in Matabeleland by holding a peace conference. He was re-elected to the parliament in 1898.

Rhodes died on March 26, 1902, in the Cape Colony. Rhodes had a dream of joining the Cape Colony with the other colonies in the area to form a Union of South Africa. This Union was established in 1910.

Rhodes’s will left his mansion in Cape Town, called Groote Schuur, to be used as the home of the prime ministers of the Union. The University of Cape Town was built on his Groote Schuur estate. Rhodes’s will also established the Rhodes scholarships at the University of Oxford. The scholarships were established to help young men from the colonies and the United States attend the university. Rhodes scholarships are still awarded today.

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