The physicist Enrico Fermi helped lead the world into the nuclear age. Fermi’s work led to the invention of highly destructive nuclear bombs. It also made possible the peaceful creation of electricity by nuclear reactors.

Fermi was born in Rome, Italy, on September 29, 1901. He was the youngest of three children born to Alberto Fermi and Ida de Gattis. His high school teachers recognized his natural ability in physics and mathematics.

Fermi entered the University of Pisa in 1918. In 1922 he received his doctoral degree in physics. Fermi studied further in Germany and the Netherlands. He began teaching physics at the University of Florence in Italy in 1924. In 1927 Fermi moved to the University of Rome in Italy. There, in 1928, he married Laura Capon. They had a daughter, Nella, and a son, Giulio. Fermi stayed in Italy until 1938.

Fermi studied many areas of physics. He studied the properties of atoms (the tiny building blocks of all matter) in particular. Fermi showed that almost every chemical element (a basic substance that is made up of one type of atom) could be made radioactive. Radioactive elements give off unending rays of energy.

Fermi’s work on radioactivity soon led to the discovery of nuclear fission. During nuclear fission, one atom’s nucleus, or center, is split apart. The split causes energy to be released.

In 1938 Fermi earned the Nobel prize in physics. During this time Italy was under the harsh rule of Benito Mussolini. Fearing for their safety, Fermi and his family looked for a way to leave Italy. After the Italian government allowed them to go to Sweden to accept the Nobel prize, they fled to the United States. Fermi accepted a position at Columbia University. Fermi later moved to the University of Chicago to continue his research.

Fermi was looking for a way to make a series of atoms split—a nuclear chain reaction. He thought that the particles released from the split of one atom could cause nearby atoms to split, too. The fission of many atoms would release a huge amount of energy.

On December 2, 1942, Fermi directed the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. His experiment took place on a ball court under a football stadium at the University of Chicago. He used a type of metal called uranium in a machine called an atomic pile, which controlled the chain reaction of the uranium atoms. Fermi’s success made possible the development of the first atomic, or nuclear, bomb. It also made possible the production of electricity using nuclear reactors.

In 1944 Fermi became a U.S. citizen. For the next two years he was an associate director of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico. Fermi was one of the people who watched the first nuclear explosion in the New Mexico desert. However, he opposed the building of the hydrogen bomb, a nuclear bomb more powerful than the original atomic bomb. In 1946 Fermi accepted a position teaching at the University of Chicago.

Fermi remained in Chicago until his death on November 28, 1954. His name lives on in many ways. The University of Chicago includes the Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies. The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, is a center for research on the particles that make up atoms. Moreover, one of the highest awards in science and technology, given by the U.S. government, is known as the Enrico Fermi Award.

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