Georgia profile

The U.S. state of Georgia is called the Empire State of the South. This nickname reflects Georgia’s large size and economic strength. Georgia is as important to the South as New York (the Empire State) is to the Northeast. Georgia was named for King George II of England. In 1732 the king granted permission for the area to become a colony. The capital is Atlanta.

Georgia is bordered on the south by Florida, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and South Carolina, on the north by North Carolina and Tennessee, and on the west by Alabama. The Savannah River runs along the eastern edge of the state, and the Chattahoochee River runs along the western edge. The Sea Islands lie off Georgia’s Atlantic coast.

The southern part of Georgia is a coastal plain that covers about three-fifths of the state. A belt of hills separates the upper edge of this region from a raised flat area that contains most of the state’s important cities and farms. The Appalachian Mountains are in the north. In general, Georgia has mild winters and hot and humid summers.

Georgians of European heritage make up slightly more than half the population. Many are of Irish, British, or German descent in particular. Georgia’s 3.3 million African Americans make the state home to more Blacks than any other state except Texas. A smaller segment of the population is made up of residents of Hispanic (10.5 percent) and Asian (4.5 percent) descent.

Native Americans account for less than 1 percent of Georgia’s population, but there are three state recognized tribes: Cherokee of Georgia Tribal Council, Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee, and Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe. The Cherokee of Georgia Tribal Council maintains 18 acres (7 hectares) of tribal grounds and has 369 members. The grounds are located in southeastern Georgia, about 2 miles (3 kilometers) from the Georgia-Florida state line. The Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee is centered in north Georgia. The tribe does not have a land base, but most tribal members live on land that was given to the tribe in treaties from 1817 and 1819. The land is near the Etowah River, in Dahlonega. The Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe is headquartered at Tama Tribal Town in Whigham, in southern Georgia. There are about 2,800 members of the Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe.

Almost 80 percent of Georgia’s people live in urban areas. More than half of the state’s entire population lives in and around Atlanta. The city is an important commercial and financial center of the Southeast, as well as the region’s transportation hub.

The service sector is the largest part of Georgia’s economy. The state’s valuable tourism industry provides service jobs in hotels, restaurants, and transportation businesses. Major farm products are cotton, peanuts, pecans, soybeans and melons. Georgia is sometimes called the Peach State because of the large number of peaches it grows. Georgia is a national leader in the production of broiler chickens. Manufacturing in the state includes the production of textiles, foodstuffs, chemicals, and paper. The Coca-Cola Company, headquartered in Atlanta, is the largest beverage manufacturer in the world.

The first human inhabitants of what is now Georgia were nomadic hunters. They built small camps, depending on the season, and followed the movements of large animal prey. The Woodland culture emerged about 1000 bce. Woodland people occupied permanent villages, practiced agriculture, and built mounds. Some mounds were burial mounds, and some were built in the shape of animals. The region was occupied next by the people of the Mississippian culture. They also built mounds. The mounds were used for ceremonies and as homes for chiefs. Their system of agriculture produced corn, beans, squash, pumpkin, and tobacco. They often had surpluses (more than they needed).

In about 1540 the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto passed through the region. As a result of De Soto’s travels, the territory was claimed by Spain. This was disastrous for the Indigenous people. The Europeans killed or enslaved them and exposed them to European diseases, such as smallpox and measles. This resulted in thousands of deaths and the final decline of the Mississippian culture in Georgia.

By the second half of the 1600s, however, the British were also in the area. The English colony of Georgia was founded at Savannah in 1733 by General James Oglethorpe. Tribes of the Muscogee Confederacy welcomed them. Relations between the colonists and Native Americans remained friendly until the mid-1700s. The number of white settlers moving onto Cherokee and Muscogee lands increased, and conflicts often broke out. The tribes were forced to sign a series of treaties which resulted in the loss of Native land. This continued until the final removal of the Cherokee in the Trail of Tears in the 1830s. By that time most Muscogee had already been forced out of Georgia.

Georgia was a major battlefield during the American Revolution (1775–83). In 1788 Georgia became the country’s fourth state. Georgia’s economy in the 1800s depended heavily on the labor of enslaved people. The state therefore joined other slave states in forming the Confederacy, which led to the American Civil War. During the war Georgia was the location of the Camp Sumter military prison at Andersonville. It was the largest and most famous military prison during the war and is now part of the Andersonville National Historic Site. In 1864 Union Army troops under General William T. Sherman left a path of destruction in the “March to the Sea” from Atlanta to Savannah. Georgia’s economy suffered as a result of the war and did not recover for many years. Many factories were built during World War II, in the 1940s, and that helped Georgia to recover.

One of Georgia’s most famous political figures is Jimmy Carter. After serving as the state’s governor in the early 1970s, he served a term as United States president from 1977 to 1981. Georgia’s population grew by more than 25 percent between 1990 and 2000. This increase made Georgia one of the country’s fastest-growing states during that period.

Georgia was one of the states hit hardest during the coronavirus pandemic that started in 2020. Two years later Georgia had recorded about 2.4 million cases of the disease, and more than 34,000 residents had died.

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