Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a famous book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin about the difficult lives of enslaved people. At the time, people argued over whether slavery should be allowed. Stowe worked hard to end slavery.

Harriet Beecher was born on June 14, 1811, in Litchfield, Connecticut. Her father was a preacher who did not believe in slavery. The Beechers moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1832. In Cincinnati, Harriet married Calvin Stowe.

While living in Cincinnati, Harriet Stowe learned more about slavery. The state of Kentucky is just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. Slavery was allowed in Kentucky, and Stowe visited a plantation there. She saw what life was like for enslaved people.

Stowe and her family moved to Maine in 1850. There she and her husband hid a man who had escaped enslavement in the South. Her husband also helped with the Underground Railroad. This was a secret route that helped enslaved people escape to the North and Canada from the Southern states. Stowe also started writing articles and stories.

In 1852 Stowe published her most famous book. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book about families of enslaved people. It described the horrors they faced. Many people say that Uncle Tom’s Cabin helped bring about the American Civil War. One of the main reasons for the war between the Northern and Southern states was that people did not agree about slavery. Some people in the Northern states wanted slavery to be ended throughout the United States. The Southern states wanted to keep slavery. During the war Stowe met President Abraham Lincoln. He told her that he knew her book had influenced many people.

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s career as a writer lasted more than 50 years. By the end of her life, Stowe had written more than 30 books and many articles. Stowe died in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1896.

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