Hartford is the capital of the U.S. state of Connecticut. The city has a port on the Connecticut River.

Hartford is a center of business and industry. It is sometimes called the Insurance City. That is because many large insurance companies are based there. Banks, hospitals, and government offices also provide many jobs. Factories in the city make aircraft parts, guns, and tools.

English settlers founded Hartford in 1635. It became one of the two capitals of Connecticut in 1701. (New Haven was the other capital.)

A newspaper called the Hartford Courant was started in 1764. Today it is the oldest U.S. newspaper that is still in business. The city’s insurance industry started in 1794.

In 1875 Hartford became the only capital of Connecticut. In the late 1800s the city was home to two famous writers—Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain. Today people can visit the writers’ homes, which have been preserved. Population (2020) 121,054.

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