The Irish Republican Army, or IRA, was an unofficial military organization made up of people who wanted an end to British rule in Northern Ireland. Members of the IRA wanted the province of Northern Ireland to unite with the rest of Ireland. If necessary, they were prepared to use violence to achieve their aims.

The IRA was formed in 1919. At the time, the British ruled all of Ireland as part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The IRA wanted independence for Ireland. After several years of fighting, the British agreed to allow part of Ireland to be a separate state within the British Empire. Most of the island became the new Irish Free State. The remaining six northern counties became Northern Ireland, which remained a part of the United Kingdom. The IRA continued to fight for complete independence for the whole island. In 1949 the Irish Free State cut all ties to Great Britain. After that the IRA concentrated on freeing Northern Ireland from British rule and reuniting it with the rest of the island.

In the 1960s Catholics in Northern Ireland began to protest their treatment. The government, as it was part of the United Kingdom, was Protestant. There were also more Protestants than Catholics living in the province. The government did not allow Catholics to have equal rights in voting, housing, and employment. When the Catholics held demonstrations, some people attacked them. The Protestant police did little to stop the attacks. The IRA, in turn, began their own attacks. This led to a split in the IRA. Some members approved the use of violence. They became known as the Provisional IRA (later known just as the IRA, or as “provos”). They used terrorism to achieve their aims. The other IRA members preferred to work for change through politics.

At first the IRA found support from Catholics at home and abroad. This support grew when 13 Catholic protesters were killed during a demonstration on January 30, 1972. The day came to be known as “Bloody Sunday.” The British government also introduced a policy of imprisoning anyone they suspected of terrorism, without a trial.

Members of the IRA were able to buy guns and bombs with money raised in other countries and by criminal activities. In 1973 they expanded their attacks to create terror in mainland Britain and eventually even in the rest of Europe. Their campaign lasted from 1970 until 1994. It is estimated that the IRA killed about 1,800 people in that time.

Eventually supporters of independence began to turn to politics rather than fighting. In 1994 the IRA declared that they would stop their military activities, though some violence continued.

The IRA is associated with a political party called Sinn Féin. The two groups are separate, but they have the same goals and some of the same members. In 1997 Sinn Féin took part in peace talks with the British government. In 1998 Sinn Féin and other parties in Northern Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments, approved the Good Friday Agreement. This agreement recognized that different political parties should be able to share power in Northern Ireland. Sinn Féin was not allowed to participate in the new government until the IRA agreed to give up all its weapons. On July 28, 2005, the IRA announced that it had ended its armed campaign and instead would pursue only peaceful means to achieve its objectives.

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