The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is an extremist Islamic militant group. It operates out of western Iraq and eastern Syria. The group is also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. It is commonly referred to by the acronyms, or abbreviations, ISIL, ISIS, or IS.

The followers of ISIL are members of the Sunni branch of Islam. The group established a strict version of Shariʿah, or Islamic law, in the areas it controlled. It used extreme violence and terrorism to make people follow its laws.

The origins of ISIL began during the Iraq War (2003–11). It sprouted from the al-Qaeda unit (AQI) that was operating in Iraq during the war. AQI fought against the Iraqi government and the foreign occupying forces. After the leader of AQI was killed, the group joined forces with smaller groups and renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).

A civil war began in Syria in 2011. It was fought between the Syrian government and various rebel groups. ISI soon joined the fighting since it was easy to travel across the border from Iraq into eastern Syria.

In 2013 the leader of ISI planned to combine his forces in Iraq and Syria with Nusrah Front, a rebel group in Syria connected to al-Qaeda. The merger was rejected by Nusrah Front. However, the newly named Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) soon took over eastern areas of Syria. Its center of control was the city of Al-Raqqah.

In January 2014, ISIL was able to take over the important Iraqi cities of Al-Fallujah and Al-Ramadi. Fighters pushed forward and took Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, in June. ISIL declared itself a caliphate (a Muslim government) in late June. From that point on, it called itself the Islamic State.

By late 2014 other militant Islamic groups outside of Iraq and Syria were claiming to be connected to ISIL. These groups were most strongly established in North Africa. They carried out terrorist attacks and executions in Libya and Tunisia.

ISIL staged two bloody attacks outside of Iraq and Syria in late 2015. It killed more than 40 people in Beirut, Lebanon, and at least 129 people in Paris, France. In 2016 an attack in Brussels, Belgium, left more than 30 people dead.

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