James Oglethorpe was an English general and the founder of the colony of Georgia in North America. He planned the colony as a place for the very poor and for people persecuted for their religion.

James Edward Oglethorpe was born on December 22, 1696, in London, England. He was born into a wealthy family. He was well educated and attended the University of Oxford. Oglethorpe entered the military and served on the European continent. He returned to England and entered Parliament in 1722.

In 1729 Oglethorpe served on a committee in Parliament that brought about prison reforms. This inspired him to found a colony in North America where the very poor could get a new start. In 1733 he and 120 settlers sailed for the new colony. They founded the city of Savannah upon their arrival. The colony was named after King George II.

In 1736 Oglethorpe and colonists built Fort Frederica to help defend their colony against the Spanish in the area. In 1742 the Spanish sent thousands of men to destroy the settlement at Frederica. The British won the battle, which ended the Spanish claim to Georgia.

Oglethorpe returned to England in 1743. He died at Cranham Hall, Essex, England, on June 30, 1785.

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