Jan Smuts was a South African soldier, politician, and prime minister. He was also a scholar and naturalist. During the Anglo-Boer War he fought against the British forces in South Africa. Later he became the South African prime minister.

Jan Christiaan Smuts was born on May 24, 1870, at Bovenplaats, near Riebeeck West in the Cape Colony (now Western Cape province, South Africa). He first went to school when he was 12 years old. After attending school for several years, he went to Victoria College. (It later became the University of Stellenbosch.) Then he went to England, where he qualified as a lawyer at the University of Cambridge. He was regarded as one of the most brilliant law students ever at Cambridge.

In 1897 Smuts married Isie Krige. She was later known as “Ouma Smuts,” or Grandma Smuts.

In 1899 the Anglo-Boer War began. It was fought between Britain and two Boer Republics, the South African Republic (Transvaal) and the Orange Free State. Smuts was a leader of the Transvaal forces. The British won the war in 1902.

In 1905–06 Smuts went with the Boer general Louis Botha to Britain to ask permission for the Transvaal to govern itself. During the trip he began to see the importance of co-operating with the British. He played a major role in the founding of the Union of South Africa in 1910. The union consisted of the two former Boer republics and two British colonies, Natal and the Cape. At the beginning of World War I in 1914, many Boers tried to break free of Britain’s control of South Africa. Smuts and Botha stopped the rebellion.

Smuts played a major role in Word War I (1914–18) and World War II (1939–45). In World War I, he was one of the founders of Britain’s Royal Air Force. He was also a member of the British war cabinet. After World War I, Smuts helped to establish the League of Nations. Later it became the United Nations.

In 1919 Smuts became prime minister of the Union of South Africa. In 1924 he was replaced by J.B.M. Hertzog, the leader of the National Party. When World War II broke out, Smuts became prime minister again. In 1941 he became a field marshal (a high military rank) in the British army. He was also a member of the British war cabinet. In 1945 the war ended, and Smuts became the only person to have signed the peace treaties ending both world wars. Smuts also represented South Africa when the United Nations was founded in 1945.

In 1948 the National Party came to power again. Smuts was forced to resign as prime minister. Nevertheless, Smuts continued to be admired all over the world for his role in the two world wars. Smuts died on September 11, 1950, in Irene, near Pretoria, South Africa.

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