Few individuals in modern history have been as revered and as hated, as quoted and as misunderstood as Karl Marx. Marx is popularly regarded as the father of modern socialism, which has also been called Marxism. He is best known for his early work The Communist Manifesto. This work called for the overthrow of the social system of capitalism and the creation of a new, free, and equal society.

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, in the town of Trier in what is now Germany. He was interested in literature in his younger years but went to school to study law. After developing an interest in religion, history, and philosophy, he enrolled at the University of Berlin. Marx received a doctorate degree in Greek philosophy from the University of Jena in 1841. During his university years, Marx became known for his socialist views and political radicalism.

After graduating, Marx began his long career as a journalist, editor, and socialist theorist. In 1842 he became the editor of a radical newspaper in the town of Cologne, Germany. As the editor of the newspaper, he met a young socialist named Friedrich Engels, with whom he developed many of his ideas.

Because of government censorship Marx was forced to flee Germany and move around Europe during the 1840s. During this time, Marx wrote articles against the political systems of almost every country in Europe. He also criticized the system of capitalism that had taken root in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. In early 1848, Marx and Engels addressed these issues in a pamphlet that came to be known as The Communist Manifesto.

Several months after writing of the manifesto, mass revolution broke out in Europe. Marx returned to the town of Cologne, where he became an active member of a revolutionary worker’s group. In 1849, however, the revolution that Marx had long hoped for was ultimately crushed. Marx was forced to flee from Cologne once again. He eventually settled, in London, England.

Marx spent the last three decades of his life studying day after day in the British Museum library and writing his most important work, a four-volume set of books known simply as Capital. Marx also remained politically active throughout his older years, helping to form the German Social Democratic Party and other socialist organizations. Marx died in London on March 14, 1883.

Marx’s political ideas had far-reaching influence. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx argued that the workers of the world would lead a revolution that would overthrow the capitalist order. Following this revolution, a new classless Communist society would appear. During the 20th century, many governments and self-declared Communist regimes claimed to base their rule on these early writings of Marx. The first and most famous of these regimes existed in the Soviet Union.

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