Libya profile

Libya is a country in North Africa. Large amounts of oil have brought wealth to the country. Tripoli is Libya’s capital and largest city.

Libya borders Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan, and Egypt. The Mediterranean Sea lies to the north.

Libya is within the Sahara, the world’s largest hot desert. Bare rock and sand make up almost all of the country’s land. There are some oases, or small areas of green land, in the desert. Most of the people and farms are in the northwest, near the coast. Mountains rise in the northeast.

Most of Libya is hot and dry. Only the coast has a cool, rainy winter. Libya’s riverbeds are dry most of the year. The country mines some underground water in the desert and pipes it to the coastal cities. This large project is called the Great Man-Made River.

There are few natural plants in Libya. The country’s animals include desert rodents, hyenas, foxes, jackals, gazelles, and wildcats. Eagles, hawks, and vultures are common birds.

Most of Libya’s people are Arabs. Berbers were once the main people. Today most Berbers have adopted Arab culture. There are small groups of other Africans, Italians, Greeks, and other peoples. Arabic is the main language. Most Libyans are Muslims who belong to the Sunni branch of Islam.

Libya’s economy is based on oil, which Libya sells to other countries. Libya also has supplies of natural gas and iron ore. Many people work in services, including government work, health care, and banking. Factories produce chemicals, metals, food products, and cement.

Agriculture is a smaller part of the economy. Libya’s crops include watermelons, potatoes, onions, olives, tomatoes, and dates. Farmers also raise sheep and goats.

Many different groups—including Africans, Greeks, and Phoenicians—ruled parts of Libya in ancient times. The ancient Romans made the region part of their empire in the 100s bce. In 642 ce Arab armies moved into the area. Many of the local Berber peoples converted to Islam. The Turkish Ottoman Empire conquered the region in the early 1500s.

In 1911 Italy invaded Libya. The Libyan people never accepted Italian rule. Italy lost control of Libya during World War II, which ended in 1945.

In 1951 Libya became an independent monarchy, or a state headed by a king. In 1969 a group of army officers overthrew the king. Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi was their leader. Qaddafi became the ruler of Libya. In 1977 he changed the name of the country to the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Jamahiriya means “brotherhood.”

Libya had found deposits of oil in the 1950s. The country used its oil profits to build housing, roads, modern schools, and a strong military. Many countries accused Qaddafi of also supporting terrorists who attacked Israel.

Terrorists bombed a U.S. airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, and 270 people were killed. For years Qaddafi protected two Libyan men who were accused of the bombing. In response, the United Nations (UN) banned trade with Libya. In 1999 Qaddafi finally allowed the men to go to trial. A Scottish court found one of the men guilty. In 2003 the UN allowed other countries to trade with Libya once again.

In February 2011 many people in the country began to hold protests against Qaddafi. They called for him to step down, but he refused. Government forces fought against the protestors, and thousands of people tried to flee to neighboring Tunisia and Egypt. Rebels in many areas soon began fighting the government forces. In August 2011 rebels took over Qaddafi’s headquarters in Tripoli. Rebel forces killed Qaddafi that October.

During the following years secular (nonreligious) and Islamist (very traditional religious) groups struggled for control of the government. Islamists rejected the results of the 2014 elections and declared the General National Congress the rightful legislative assembly of Libya. The secular House of Representatives was recognized by other countries and met under the protection of the military. The UN attempted to create a power-sharing agreement between the two groups but had little success.

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