Louis XVI was the last king of France before the French Revolution. During the revolution he lost his kingdom and then his life.

Louis was born on August 23, 1754, in Versailles, France. When he was only 15 years old, he married Marie-Antoinette of Austria. Louis’s grandfather King Louis XV died in 1774. Louis then became king.

Louis was a weak king. He hired people who tried to make the government fairer and more modern. However, the French nobles stopped these efforts.

Louis also sent ships and troops to support the American Revolution. He did this because he wanted to make trouble for Great Britain. This effort was a success, but it cost more than the kingdom could afford to pay.

By 1789 the French people were very angry about France’s money problems and Louis’s weakness. The king needed help, so he called together the Estates-General. This was a group of representatives made up of nobles, church leaders, and common people. But the representatives could not work together to solve France’s problems.

In July 1789 the common people began the French Revolution. Louis remained king, but he grew afraid. In 1791 he tried to slip out of France and into Austria. The French people caught him and took him back to his palace.

Revolutionary troops took Louis prisoner in August 1792. In September France became a republic—a nation ruled by the people instead of a king. The people tried Louis for treason (betraying his country). On January 21, 1793, in Paris, France, the French people put King Louis XVI to death.

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