The German priest and scholar Martin Luther began the Reformation in 1517. This movement at first sought to change, or reform, the Roman Catholic church. Instead it led to the establishment of Protestantism, one of the major branches of Christianity. The Protestant religion known as Lutheranism grew out of Luther’s teachings.

Luther was born in Eisleben, Saxony (now in Germany), on November 10, 1483. He studied for many years, earning an advanced degree in 1505. He became a Roman Catholic monk and priest and later taught Bible studies at the University of Wittenberg.

Meanwhile, Luther began experiencing doubts about some practices of Roman Catholicism. For example, the church accepted money in order for sins to be forgiven. This practice was known as the selling of indulgences. Luther came to believe that God forgives sins only because of one’s faith, not because of one’s actions. He also thought the church was too powerful and the clergy were corrupt.

In 1517 Luther wrote a list of 95 theses, or statements of his beliefs, about religion. In this document he criticized the church’s sale of indulgences. It is believed that Luther sent the 95 theses to Roman Catholic bishops. Luther continued to write and teach on the subject of reforming the church, and his views began to gather support.

Luther’s actions angered powerful church leaders. The pope (the leader of Catholicism) excommunicated, or barred, him from the church in 1521. Later that year the government declared Luther an outlaw, and he fled to a castle near Eisenach. While in hiding, he translated the New Testament into German so that more people could read it. He returned to Wittenberg in 1522.

Luther spent the rest of his life writing, preaching, and organizing the reformed church in Saxony. He died on February 18, 1546, in Eisleben.

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