Lutheranism is a branch of Protestant Christianity. It is based on the ideas of a man named Martin Luther, who lived in Germany in the 1500s. It was one of the first groups to break away from the Roman Catholic church during the period known as the Reformation.

The official teaching of the Lutheran churches is contained in the Book of Concord. The book contains prayers and documents that explain the faith. A document called the Augsburg Confession states the basic beliefs of Lutherans. Like all Protestants, Lutherans believe that the Bible is the written word of God and that it contains the only source of truth about how people should live their lives. Lutherans also believe that people will be saved because of their faith in God, not because of anything they do.

Lutherans attend services once a week on Sundays. The services consist of prayers and readings from the Bible followed by sharing Holy Communion. Holy Communion is one of the two sacraments, or special rites, that Lutherans recognize. The other is baptism.

In the early 1500s a Roman Catholic priest named Martin Luther began to question some of the practices of the church. Luther came up with a list of 95 topics that he wanted to discuss, and he presented those to the authorities in Wittenberg, Germany. He did not want to start a new church. He only wanted to reform, or change, the existing one. However, the church leaders were not happy with Luther’s questions. They expelled him and his followers from the Roman Catholic church.

Luther moved to an area that allowed him to practice his beliefs. At the time, Germany was part of the Holy Roman Empire, and in 1546 the Catholic emperor Charles V went to war against the territories that supported Luther. He won the war, but the conflict continued until 1555. In that year a special assembly of the empire met and came up with an agreement called the Peace of Augsburg. This said that the new religion would be allowed. The new church soon spread through much of Germany and into Scandinavia, where it was established by law. When people from Europe moved to the Americas and elsewhere to establish colonies, they brought the religion with them. Today there are more than 65 million followers of Lutheranism throughout the world.

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