Monaco profile

Only one nation in the world, Vatican City, is smaller than the tiny European country of Monaco. Monaco is so small that it does not have a capital or any other separate cities. The country is a principality, which means that a prince is the ruler.

The Mediterranean Sea forms Monaco’s southeastern border. France surrounds the country on all other sides. Monaco is about 5 miles (8 kilometers) west of the border between France and Italy. It lies within the coastal area called the French Riviera.

Buildings and roads cover almost all of the land. The Rock of Monaco is a piece of high land that sticks out into the sea. It contains the royal palace and a Roman Catholic cathedral. Palm trees, evergreen shrubs, and flowering plants grow in Monaco’s gardens.

The citizens of Monaco are called the Monegasque. However, most of the people who live in Monaco are citizens of France or Italy. The main language is French. Roman Catholicism is the national religion.

Monaco’s chief industry is tourism. Many rich tourists visit the famous gambling casino in the section of Monaco called Monte-Carlo. Tourists also enjoy Monaco’s beaches and harbor. Banking and financial services are important to the economy as well. The citizens of Monaco do not pay taxes on the money they earn.

The Grimaldi family from Genoa, Italy, took control of Monaco in 1297. In 1911 one of the Grimaldi princes, Albert I, gave Monaco a constitution. His great-grandson, Rainier III, married Grace Kelly, a U.S. movie star, in 1956. After Rainier III’s death in 2005, his son, Albert II, became prince.

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