There are nine National Botanical Gardens in South Africa. The main purpose of the gardens is to cultivate and preserve South African plants. They also help to protect the country’s biodiversity, or variety of plant and animal life. The botanical gardens cover more than 18,500 acres (7,500 hectares). They are managed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

The Free State National Botanical Garden is in Bloemfontein, the capital of the Free State province. The garden was opened in 1969. It lies in a valley between small rocky hills called kopjes, or koppies. The garden features native grassland and woodland. The 400 plant species, or types, are mainly from the Free State and Northern Cape provinces and the country of Lesotho.

The Hantam National Botanical Garden is just outside Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape province. It was opened in 2007. The garden covers an area of shrubland known as renosterveld. It includes succulents, grasses, and flowering plants that grow from bulbs. Many colorful flowers appear from about August to October each year.

The Harold Porter National Botanical Garden is in Betty’s Bay, in the Western Cape province. The garden was founded in 1959. It has many species found in South Africa’s fynbos, a coastal region of shrubs and heaths. The garden also features irises, daisies, and orchids.

The Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden is in Worcester, in the Western Cape. It was opened in 1921. The garden is named for the Karoo, a dry region in South Africa. Many plants from the country’s desert and semidesert regions are found in this botanical garden.

Kirstenbosch is the largest of South Africa’s National Botanical Gardens. It lies on the slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town, the capital of the Western Cape province. Kirstenbosch was founded in 1913. Like the Harold Porter garden, Kirstenbosch includes fynbos, or scrubland, vegetation. It features many showy flowers and large, palmlike tropical plants. There are also many trees and plants from the Northern Hemisphere.

The KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden is located in the KwaZulu-Natal province. The garden was established in the early 1870s. It specializes in the conservation of rare and endangered plants of South Africa’s eastern region. It also has many plants from the Northern Hemisphere.

The Crocodile and Nels rivers flow through the Lowveld National Botanical Garden in Nelspruit, in the Mpumalanga province. This botanical garden was founded in 1969. Visitors to the garden may walk through a rainforest and cross a suspended bridge over the Crocodile River.

The Pretoria National Botanical Garden is in the suburbs of Pretoria, in the Gauteng province. This botanical garden opened in 1958. One section features plants and animals native to the area around Pretoria. Another section displays plants from throughout the country.

The Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden is outside Johannesburg, in the Gauteng province. It was founded in 1982. This botanical garden covers nearly 750 acres (300 hectares) of gardens and natural vegetation. It is home to many birds.

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