Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist known for making a model of the atom. His model helped explain how atoms are structured and how the parts of atoms behave. He received the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on atoms.

Niels Henrik David Bohr was born on October 7, 1885, in Copenhagen, Denmark. His father was a professor at the University of Copenhagen. Niels was a good student. He was even better at sports. He and his brother were excellent soccer players. In high school, Niels showed a talent for mathematics and physics. In 1903 he went to the University of Copenhagen to study physics. He earned a Ph.D. in 1911.

Bohr Atomic Model

In 1912 Bohr went to England to work with British scientist Ernest Rutherford. The year before, Rutherford had developed a model of the atom. In Rutherford’s model, very light, negatively charged electrons circled around a heavy, positively charged nucleus. Bohr combined Rutherford’s idea with some ideas of physicists Max Planck and Albert Einstein.

Bohr made his own model of the atom. He claimed that electrons could only occupy particular orbits around the nucleus. He also explained that when an electron jumped from an outer orbit to an inner orbit, energy would be given off. An electron would absorb energy if it jumped from an inner orbit to an outer orbit.

In 1916 Bohr returned to the University of Copenhagen to work as a professor. There he became director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics in 1920. He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922.

A Refuge for Jewish Scientists

When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party took power in Germany in 1933, many Jewish scientists were no longer allowed to work in their German homeland. Bohr used his connections in Denmark to help scientists get out of Germany and to work at his institute at Copenhagen University. From there, scientists would obtain permanent appointment elsewhere, most often in the United States.

The Atomic Bomb

Bohr himself was of Jewish descent. Eventually the Nazis occupied his country. He was warned that the Nazis were planning to arrest him. He escaped Copenhagen in 1943. After that, he moved to England and then the United States. At that time, World War II was going on. Scientists in Europe and the United States were afraid that Germany was trying to develop an atomic bomb. Bohr helped scientists in the United States develop their own atomic bomb.

After the war, Bohr returned to Denmark. He continued to direct the institute at Copenhagen University. His son Aage worked there as well. Bohr died in Copenhagen on November 18, 1962. Aage became director of the institute after that and later won a Nobel Prize as well.

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