North Korea profile

The Korean peninsula is a block of land that sticks out from East Asia. The nation of North Korea sits on the northern half of the peninsula. South Korea covers the southern half. The people of North Korea and South Korea share a long history and a common language. However, the two Koreas have been enemies since the late 1940s. North Korea’s capital is Pyongyang.

North Korea shares borders with China, Russia, and South Korea. The Sea of Japan (which is called the East Sea in Korea) forms North Korea’s east coast. The Yellow Sea forms the country’s west coast.

Mountains and valleys cover most of the land. The country’s highest point, Mount Paektu, is in the northeast. North Korea’s two longest rivers are the Yalu and the Tumen. They run along the border with China.

The winters in North Korea are long, cold, and snowy. The summers are warm and rainy. Tropical storms called typhoons sometimes strike during the rainy season.

Forests of fir, spruce, larch, and pine trees grow in the northern mountains. In the southern mountains there are forests of oak, pine, elm, beech, and poplar trees.

Because many of the forests have been destroyed, there are smaller numbers of deer, mountain antelope, and goats. Many birds, including wild pigeons, herons, and cranes, live in the valleys. Rabbits and other small mammals are common. In the rivers there are many carp and eels.

Nearly all the people of North Korea are ethnic Koreans. A tiny number of Chinese also live in the country. All Koreans speak the Korean language. More than half of the people live in cities.

Most North Koreans follow no religion. Smaller groups of people follow traditional Korean beliefs or a religion called Chondogyo. Chondogyo combines Buddhism, Christianity, and Confucianism (ancient Chinese teachings).

The North Korean government controls the economy. Most of the people work in factories or on farms. The factories produce iron and steel, chemicals, machinery, food products, cloth, and other goods.

North Korea’s farms produce mainly rice. Other crops include corn, wheat, and barley. Fish and pigs are also important sources of food. However, North Korea does not produce enough food to feed its people. Hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation in the late 1990s. The problem was slightly improved after other countries offered food assistance. However, the lack of food continued to be major problem. The government declared its highest priority was to find a solution to what it called “the food problem.”

Early History

People have lived on the Korean peninsula for thousands of years. For most of that time there was no division between north and south. After World War II, however, the peninsula was divided into two countries. Soon after that, the two countries fought a war. This article covers the history of North Korea since the end of the Korean War. For the earlier history, see the article Korea.

North Korea After the Korean War

North Korea’s new government, under its ruler Kim Il-Sung, ruled harshly. It spent a great deal of money on the military and limited its contact with other countries. When Kim Il-Sung died in 1994, his son Kim Jong Il took power.

Throughout the 1990s North Korea suffered severe food shortages that caused widespread starvation. Other countries sent food and medical aid. Kim Jong Il eventually began to establish better relations with several countries. In 2000 he and the leader of South Korea met for the first time. They agreed to work toward a peaceful, reunited Korea. However, in 2002 the world learned that North Korea was trying to build nuclear weapons.

When Kim Jong Il died in 2011, his youngest son, Kim Jong-Un, became the new leader of North Korea. Soon after Kim Jong-Un gained the position of “supreme leader,” he made threats of missile attacks against the United States and South Korea. North Korea continued to test-fire rockets and conduct tests of its nuclear weapons. In response, the United Nations Security Council approved more sanctions against North Korea in 2016 and 2017. (Sanctions mean that other countries would not trade with North Korea or provide it with aid.) Even so, North Korea continued to increase tensions with the United States and China, its closest political ally.

Kim Jong-Un made a dramatic change in his public behavior in 2018. That year he met with the president of South Korea in April and with the president of the United States in June. It was the first time the sitting leaders of the United States and North Korea met face-to-face.

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