Robben Island is a small island in Table Bay near Cape Town, South Africa. It is about 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the mainland and 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) north of Cape Town. The name comes from the many seals (robben in Dutch) that once lived there.

In the 1500s and 1600s, many European explorers anchored their ships at Robben Island when they sailed around the southern tip of Africa. It was a good place to get clean water and fresh food.

When the settlers from Europe arrived in South Africa, they tried to create seal-hunting and fishing industries on Robben Island.

In 1864 a lighthouse was built on the island. During World War II (1939–45) fortifications (military defences) were built there to protect Cape Town against invasions. After the war, the island was used as a training center for the South African navy.

Because the island is so remote, it was also used as a place to keep prisoners, starting from the earliest days of European settlement in the area. The Khoekhoe leader Autshumato (or Autshumao) was sent to Robben Island in 1658. The Dutch settlers claimed that he had stolen their cattle. Another well-known early prisoner was the Xhosa leader Makana (Makanda Nxele). He was sent to the island early in 1819 after he helped to lead an attack on Makhanda. The attack failed and he surrendered. In 1820 he tried to escape from Robben Island, but he drowned. From 1846 to 1931, lepers and people with mental diseases were sent to Robben Island.

In 1961 Robben Island was placed under the control of South Africa’s prison services. It was turned into a maximum-security prison.

From that time on, most of the prisoners were black people who were sent to prison for opposing apartheid. Nelson Mandela was one such prisoner. Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki, and Robert Sobukwe were also sent to Robben Island. Mandela, Sisulu, and Mbeki were leaders of the banned African National Congress. Sobukwe was the founder of the Pan Africanist Congress. Mandela was moved to another prison in the 1980s, but many political prisoners remained on Robben Island. As apartheid came to an end, the last of these political prisoners were released in 1991. Robben Island remained a prison until 1996.

In 1997 Robben Island was turned into a museum and declared a national monument. Two years later the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared Robben Island a World Heritage site.

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