The Spokane are Native Americans of northeastern Washington State. They traditionally lived along the Spokane River. The city of Spokane, Washington, was named after the tribe.

The Spokane hunted deer, elk, antelope, and other animals. They also gathered wild plants and fished, especially for salmon. In the 1730s they were introduced to horses. They used the horses to hunt bison (buffalo) on the plains to the east.

The Spokane built cone-shaped homes made of pole frames covered with mats or animal skins. They moved these homes from place to place while on the hunt. The Spokane also built larger, rectangular houses in shallow pits.

By the early 1800s white settlers had set up trading posts in Spokane territory. At first the Spokane welcomed the newcomers. But the tribe became angry as the number of settlers grew. In 1858 the Spokane joined the Coeur d’Alene and other Native American neighbors in a war against U.S. troops. The war is known as the Spokane War or the Coeur d’Alene War. The Native Americans were defeated. They had to give up some of their land.

In the 1870s and 1880s the Spokane agreed to settle on reservations. In 1881 the United States set up the Spokane Reservation northwest of the city of Spokane. At the end of the 20th century there were about 2,000 Spokane living in the United States. Many lived on the reservation.

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