Switzerland profile

The country of Switzerland is in the heart of Europe’s highest mountain range, the Alps. The country is known for its long tradition of staying neutral, or not taking sides, in wars. The capital is Bern.

Switzerland is in central Europe. It shares borders with France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Italy.

Mountains cover more than half of the land. The Swiss Alps are in the central and southern parts of the country. The Jura Mountains run along the western border with France. The area between the Alps and the Jura Mountains is made up mostly of a hilly plateau known as the Mittelland. The plateau is crossed by a number of rivers and is the most fertile region in Switzerland. Most of the country’s population and industry is centered in this region.

Many important rivers, including the Rhine and the Rhône, begin in the Swiss mountains. The largest lakes in Switzerland are Lake Constance in the northeast and Lake Geneva in the southwest.

Fog often covers the country’s lower lands. The Swiss mountains receive more rain and snow than the valleys. About 10,000 avalanches happen each year in the mountains.

Leafy trees and evergreens grow in the lower areas. Shrubs, mosses, and lichens grow in the higher regions. Grassland covers much of the central plateau. Grape vineyards are found in the mountains and valleys.

Animals found in Switzerland are mainly native to the mountains. High up in the Alps live the small, goatlike antelopes called chamois. Marmots, squirrel-like animals that live in burrows, are also found in the mountains. In the forests are deer, rabbits, foxes, badgers, and squirrels. Eagles are among the country’s numerous birds.

Switzerland has three official languages: German, French, and Italian. Swiss people who speak German make up most of the population. Swiss who speak French or Italian also form large groups. A smaller group of people in the east speak an ancient language called Romansh. There are also small groups of Spanish, Portuguese, and others.

Most Swiss are Christians. There are slightly more Roman Catholics than Protestants. Almost three-quarters of the population lives in cities.

Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world. The economy is based on services and manufacturing. Manufacturers make machinery, chemicals, clocks, watches, food products, and other goods.

Tourism is one of the country’s largest service industries. Millions of tourists arrive in Switzerland every year to enjoy the country’s natural beauty and its outstanding facilities for skiing, golf, boating, hiking, and climbing. Swiss banks are famous for their policy of strict privacy, which has allowed them to attract customers from around the world.

Agriculture plays a limited role in the Swiss economy. Crops grown in Switzerland include sugar beets, wheat, barley, potatoes, apples, and grapes. Cattle and pigs are the main animals kept as livestock. The dairy industry is important in Swiss agriculture, and the country is known for its fine cheeses and chocolates.

More than 2,000 years ago a Celtic people known as the Helvetii lived in western Switzerland. The ancient Rhaetians controlled the east. After 58 bce the region was a part of ancient Rome. From the 200s ce through the 500s Germanic tribes invaded.

Hapsburg Rule

During the 1000s the Hapsburg family of Austria gained power over Switzerland. In 1291 some small, independent communities of the Swiss lands joined forces against the Hapsburgs by forming a union known as the Swiss Confederation. The confederation gradually grew to include many other communities.

During the 1500s Switzerland was a center of the Reformation. The Reformation began as an effort to change some practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It turned into a revolution that split the Christians of western Europe into Protestants and Catholics. Protestants battled Roman Catholics in parts of Switzerland.

A Neutral Country

Switzerland gained independence from the Hapsburgs in 1648. France invaded Switzerland in 1798. In 1815 Switzerland regained its independence. It also became a neutral country. This meant that the Swiss would not choose sides during international conflicts.

Switzerland was neutral during World War I (1914–18) and World War II (1939–45). After the wars Switzerland did not join international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU). In 2002 Switzerland finally joined the UN and had strong ties with the EU. However, the relationship was strained at times as Switzerland resisted immigration and refused some of the benefits offered to EU citizens.

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