Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States. He took office after the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. Roosevelt made the United States a strong presence in international affairs.

Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 27, 1858. He was the second of four children born into a wealthy family. Sickly as a boy, he later developed a strong body through exercise.

Roosevelt graduated from Harvard College in 1880. After briefly studying law, he won a seat in the New York legislature as a Republican.

In 1880 Roosevelt married Alice Hathaway Lee, with whom he had a daughter. His wife died in 1884, and in 1886 he married Edith Kermit Carow. They had five children.

In 1897 President McKinley made Roosevelt assistant secretary of the Navy. During the Spanish-American War in 1898 Roosevelt organized a unit of volunteer fighters. Known as the Rough Riders, the unit fought successfully in Cuba.

Roosevelt was a national hero after the war. He became governor of New York in 1898. In 1900 he won election as vice president under President McKinley. On September 14, 1901, McKinley died after being shot by an assassin. Roosevelt became president. In 1904 he won election to a full term.

Roosevelt worked for peaceful relations between businesses and workers—a program he called the Square Deal. He also worked to prevent big companies from putting smaller companies out of business. Groups of big companies were called trusts, so Roosevelt became known as a “trust-buster.” Roosevelt also asked Congress to pass acts against the sale of contaminated food and drugs.

In addition, Roosevelt wanted to protect the country’s natural resources. He set aside lands as national forests, which then became off-limits to companies looking for lumber, minerals, or water. Congress created the Forest Service in 1905 to oversee the national forests.

In foreign affairs Roosevelt said his policy was to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” He meant that the United States should deal fairly with other countries but also be ready to protect its interests. For example, in 1903 Roosevelt helped Panama gain independence from Colombia. In exchange, he demanded a piece of land. Afterward the United States began building the Panama Canal through that land.

Furthermore, Roosevelt expanded the Monroe Doctrine. In 1823 President James Monroe had said that Europe should not become involved in the Americas. Roosevelt added that the United States would police the countries of Latin America to make sure they fulfilled their agreements with other countries.

After leaving office in 1909, Roosevelt traveled to Africa and Europe. In 1912 he founded the Progressive Party and ran for president as its candidate. Both he and President William Howard Taft lost to the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson. After that defeat Roosevelt wrote his autobiography and traveled to Brazil. Before Republicans could nominate him for president in 1920, Roosevelt died in New York on January 6, 1919.

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