Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States and the chief author of the Declaration of Independence. Many people praise Jefferson as someone who believed strongly in the ideas of democracy, equality, and freedom. At the same time, however, he owned enslaved people, and that has caused some people to question his beliefs.

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia. His parents were Peter Jefferson, a land surveyor, and Jane Randolph, a member of a rich family. The Jeffersons lived on a plantation with enslaved people. Jefferson studied at a boarding school and at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia. In 1767 he became a lawyer. The next year he designed his own home, named Monticello, on a mountain near Shadwell.

Jefferson married Martha Wayles Skelton on New Year’s Day in 1772. They had six children. Skelton died after 10 years of marriage, and Jefferson never remarried. (See a letter that Jefferson wrote to his daughter Martha [called Patsy] in 1783.) However, Jefferson maintained a long-term relationship with Sally Hemings, an enslaved woman owned by Jefferson.

Jefferson was elected to the Virginia legislature in 1769. He became a strong supporter of American independence from Great Britain. He served as Virginia’s delegate to the Continental Congress in 1775 and 1776. In 1776 he was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He wrote the famous lines that said “all men are created equal” and have the rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Jefferson then returned to the Virginia legislature. There he proposed several important reforms to Virginia law. The changes were aimed at ending the privileges of the wealthy and promoting individual freedoms. One important bill required the separation of church and state. It was called the Statute for Religious Freedom. After many years of debate the legislature passed the law in 1786. Jefferson also worked to make education available to all citizens.

In 1779 Jefferson was elected governor of Virginia. Many criticized him for not defending the state from a British attack in 1780. In 1782 Jefferson reentered the Continental Congress. After the American Revolution ended, he replaced Benjamin Franklin as U.S. minister to France.

During 1790–93 Jefferson was the first U.S. secretary of state, under President George Washington. Jefferson clashed with Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury. Jefferson and his supporters, called Republicans (or Democratic-Republicans), believed that the states should have the power to make their own decisions in most matters. Hamilton led the Federalists, who believed in a powerful central government. In 1796 Jefferson was elected vice president under President John Adams.

In 1800 Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran for president against President Adams. Jefferson and Burr received the same number of electoral votes. The House of Representatives eventually chose Jefferson as the winner.

The most important event of Jefferson’s first term was the purchase of a large area of land known as the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. The territory doubled the size of the United States. The president launched the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the new territory. Jefferson easily won reelection in 1804, but his second term was less successful than the first. A war between Britain and France hurt U.S. trade with Europe.

In 1809 Jefferson retired to Monticello, where he wrote, looked after his estate, and entertained friends. His last great project was founding the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. Jefferson died on July 4, 1826.

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